Widescreen Gaming Forum

The Movies
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Author:  John Reynolds [ 09 Nov 2005, 18:15 ]
Post subject:  The Movies

Has anyone tried this yet and checked for WS support? Just curious since my birthday is this weekend and I'm undecided as to what to tell the wife to get me: Quake 4 or The Movies.

Author:  skipclarke [ 09 Nov 2005, 18:45 ]
Post subject:  The Movies

The Movies: LINK

Author:  John Reynolds [ 09 Nov 2005, 19:23 ]
Post subject:  The Movies

I'm at work and that site is blocked (tried it before posting). Does it specify WS support?

Author:  eno801 [ 09 Nov 2005, 19:40 ]
Post subject:  The Movies

well i just picked it up and the resolutions you can set it at are 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1280x960, 1152x864, 1600x1200. no true widescreen resolution. and i cannot seem to find a config file to edit. this is strange considering the other lionhead game black and white 2 supports all sort of widescreen resolutions and this is a "movie" game. :? most movies are widescreen. any ideas which would be the best resolution to stretch out for my 16:10 sony fw900. one that wont look so stretched out. :(

Author:  eno801 [ 09 Nov 2005, 19:58 ]
Post subject:  The Movies

just dug around in the registry and in hkcurrent user--lionhead studios ltd--the movies it show your current resolution. switched it 1280x800 (they have height first so don't do like i did and put 800x1280 :) ) and it looks fine so far gonna play a bit and see if is true widescreen or streched.

Author:  John Reynolds [ 10 Nov 2005, 00:09 ]
Post subject:  The Movies

I found those reg keys too and changed them to 1680x1050 and then fired up the game and brought up my 2405's OSD, which reported the current resolution as 1680x1050 (game's menu option still reported it at 16x1200, its highest option). Seems to work, no visible stretching.

Edit: If, however, you go into the option menu the game will reset those keys back to whatever's specific in the menu. Just found that out.

Author:  skipclarke [ 10 Nov 2005, 01:54 ]
Post subject:  The Movies

Interface elements are definitely stretched. And there's a lot of interface elements in the Advanced Movie Maker. Also, the widescreen is achieved by cutting off the top and bottom.
I think I'll stick with 4x3 and black bars.

Author:  John Reynolds [ 10 Nov 2005, 02:19 ]
Post subject:  The Movies

I'm not seeing that at all. I just fired up the tutorial again and the pause menu button in the upper left hand corner is right there. Same with other elements of the interface. Haven't tried the advanced movie maker yet.

Author:  skipclarke [ 10 Nov 2005, 02:28 ]
Post subject:  The Movies

The interface isn't cut off, just everything underneath it.

Author:  John Reynolds [ 10 Nov 2005, 04:59 ]
Post subject:  The Movies

Ah, I see what you were describing. Thx for the pics.

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