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PostPosted: 29 Oct 2005, 04:29 

Joined: 23 Oct 2005, 20:26
Posts: 26
I love it. Have to try Quake 3 after I finish Q2 and Battlefield 2.


PostPosted: 29 Oct 2005, 04:50 
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Joined: 13 Oct 2003, 05:00
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Did you get it with the Quake 4 DVD version? You know, looking back I remember Quake 2 as being quite fun. I think it came out when I was a junior in high-school (or thereabouts), and I remember the engine running really smooth on my friends computer.

The early guitar soundtrack in particular - Nah, Ner, Nah, Ner!! - had me rockin' while I was running around blasting baddies in those early levels. If I pick up Quake 4 I may just get the special version to try Q2 out again.

PostPosted: 29 Oct 2005, 06:41 
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The only problem is the HUD doesn't scale up with the resolution, so you can barely make out how much health and ammo you've got :P

PostPosted: 29 Oct 2005, 10:14 
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Joined: 14 Oct 2003, 13:52
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Quake 2 Evolved is a great help there: improves just about the whole experience of the game, with an improved graphics engine supporting some really impressive new effects (when you see them in Quake 2, anyway... ;)) - you can even make the HUD look like Doom 3. 8)


The Soundtrack for Quake 2 was really good; it fitted the game very well. It didn't hurt that it was CD audio, so you could pop the CDs in your hifi too... :D

If you've got the extra cash, and haven't got Quake 2 will all it's (official) addons, the Collectors Edition is worth it. :)

PostPosted: 29 Oct 2005, 18:28 

Joined: 19 Oct 2005, 18:32
Posts: 3
Any idea how to compensate for the crosshairs being inaccurate with 1920x1200?
In either Q2 or Evolved, the guns shoot to the right and down from the center crosshair!

PostPosted: 29 Oct 2005, 18:36 

Joined: 23 Oct 2005, 20:26
Posts: 26
Quake 2 Evolved is a great help there: improves just about the whole experience of the game, with an improved graphics engine supporting some really impressive new effects (when you see them in Quake 2, anyway... ;)) - you can even make the HUD look like Doom 3. 8)


The Soundtrack for Quake 2 was really good; it fitted the game very well. It didn't hurt that it was CD audio, so you could pop the CDs in your hifi too... :D

If you've got the extra cash, and haven't got Quake 2 will all it's (official) addons, the Collectors Edition is worth it. :)

I tried Evolved - doesn't work for me, for unknown reasons. The sound is completely dead and when I start a new game (the setup screens come up ok), it just locks. I have to end task. Whereas Q2, with the patch, works fine. Barring the tiny HUD.

I'll give it another try.. Maybe I need to re-install something.

PostPosted: 29 Oct 2005, 18:39 

Joined: 23 Oct 2005, 20:26
Posts: 26
DUH, I just found the sound support file. Let me give it another try.

PostPosted: 29 Oct 2005, 18:43 

Joined: 23 Oct 2005, 20:26
Posts: 26
Heh, it works. THANKS!

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2005, 20:29 
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Joined: 13 Oct 2003, 05:00
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Oooh yea, and I loved the rata-tat-tat sound of the machine gun. It was in such contrast to the heavy BOOM! of the shotgun. :wink:

PostPosted: 18 Nov 2005, 22:47 

Joined: 18 Nov 2005, 19:51
Posts: 5
Haha, one of the first things I did with my 2005FPW (before I got my new computer) was to play Quake II in 1680x1050, and I was shocked how good it looked. Sure, the models and textures are dated, but it was just so sharp it looked great.

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