Does anyone know of a way to get Sacrifice running in widescreen? The amazing views and sprawling landscapes would suit a widescreen monitor perfectly, and it would be a shame not to be able to take advantage of it. Perhaps it is something that could be added into the "patcher" being used to fix games such as Knights of the Old Republic?
Yep, there is a way to run this baby in 1920x1200. For the following example let's assume that you've already run the game once and set the resolution to 1600x1200.
Now, open the Registry Editor. (Start -> Run -> type "regedit" and press Enter). Go here:
My ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREShiny EntertainmentSacrificeOptions
There is a binary key called "Resolution". If you set the resolution to 1600x1200, it will begin like "40 06 00 00 00 B0 04..."
"40 06" is actually hexadecimal "0640", or "1600" in decimal system.
So, if you need "1920x1200", type "80 07" ("0780" in hex = "1920" in dec). Just keep in mind that by default this editor works in insert mode, so do not accidentally add more numbers than needed :)
And if you need to change "1200" to something else, just replace the "B0 04" pair. Use scientific mode of standard Windows calculator to convert numbers.
Now you're all set to play and enjoy the non-faked 1920x1200 in Sacrifice (albeit FOV is kinda suspicious, and there are a couple of hardware-related bugs on my Radeon 9800XT)!