Widescreen Gaming Forum

ut2004 on a 24" widescreen
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Author:  Road|(ill [ 14 Feb 2006, 03:07 ]
Post subject:  ut2004 on a 24" widescreen

I just picked up a HP A7217A 24" widescreen crt.
I'm running the desktop at 2304 x 1440
when i try to run ut2004 at 1920 x 1200 the only way it will work is windowed.
if i put it to fullscreen it's running but the screen is black.
anyone else running ut2004 in 16:10 mode?
need a little help

Author:  Road|(ill [ 14 Feb 2006, 05:23 ]
Post subject:  ut2004 on a 24" widescreen

ok i got it to run fullscreen windowed by doing this.
in the ut2004.ini file.
so i get a full screen window that is the desktop res.


Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 14 Feb 2006, 08:53 ]
Post subject:  ut2004 on a 24" widescreen

Hi Road|(ill ...
Welcome to the WSGF ... 8)

It probebly didn't work at 1920x1200 because you monitor doesn't do that res. If you want to run at a lower res check to see what resolutions your monitor can do.

Glad you got it working though ... :D

Author:  Killik121 [ 14 Feb 2006, 16:36 ]
Post subject:  ut2004 on a 24" widescreen

Well I have the same monitor....

All I did was pick 1920x1200 in the options in video, and that was it.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 14 Feb 2006, 16:58 ]
Post subject:  ut2004 on a 24" widescreen

Now this is strange ... :shock: :?

Author:  Road|(ill [ 15 Feb 2006, 00:56 ]
Post subject:  ut2004 on a 24" widescreen

ya it doesn't want to run full screen in 1920 x 1200 or 2304 x 1440.
so i just set the window size to 2304 x 1440 and put the refresh in manually and it fills the screen at 2304 x 1440.
16:10 res below that work fine.
maybe it's the forceware drivers confusing it.
i noticed in the manual that all 16:10 modes have 3 freq listed
60 75 and 85 for up to 2048 x 1280 and 60 75 80 for 2304 x 1440.
i did switch over to GTF in the menu instead of plug-n-pray.
frame rate is around 73.
maybe ut is forcing a freq at full screen also even though it's set to false in the ini.

Author:  Road|(ill [ 15 Feb 2006, 01:27 ]
Post subject:  ut2004 on a 24" widescreen

windows is seeing the only 1920 x 1200 refresh rate of 60
instead of the 85 that it's supposed to be.
forceware doesn't seem to let me put 85 in there either.

Author:  neoWidescreen [ 16 Feb 2006, 01:51 ]
Post subject:  ut2004 on a 24" widescreen

:? UT2004 supports 1920x1200 natively on my PC.

What video card are you using?

Author:  Road|(ill [ 16 Feb 2006, 03:05 ]
Post subject:  ut2004 on a 24" widescreen

i'm using a BFG 7800GS
it does
1920 x 1200 @85Hz
2048 x 1280 @85Hz
2304 x 1440 @80Hz
no problem
just when i click fullscreen it overrides the screen refresh rate even
if it's set to true or false in this line.

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