Widescreen Gaming Forum

BF2 wont run at all on new 27" Westinghouse monitor
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Author:  HeadRusch [ 28 Feb 2006, 23:33 ]
Post subject:  BF2 wont run at all on new 27" Westinghouse monitor

Yes, I've tried the fixes...at least the few I've been able to find online.

I'm going from my 6800GT running the latest nvidia drivers via DVI into my 27" Westinghouse's DVI Input. Everything BUT BF2 works great. Doom3, Fear, HL2 and Brothers in Arms even reconfigured themselves to work automatically at the right resolution....I just started them and they automatically adjusted.

But BF2 wont get past the splash screen even after a clean install. Heck at this point I'd be happy JUST to play the game at 800x600, but it doesn't work.

Here's what happens...I see the intro movie....then I see the "SINGLE PLAYER or MULTIPLAYER" choice since its a fresh install with the 1.2 patch applied. If I click single player, the monitor tells me its lost the signal and I crash to desktop. If I choose multiplayer, it asks me to do the account creation/retreival thing....and once it leaves that screen, it crashes me back to desktop.

I've gone into my NVIDIA drivers and changed the default 800x600x60hz setting to run at 800x600x75Hz, as 75Hz is the optimal rate for this display device....still no go.

I'm wondering if BF2 tries to do a quick change to a different screen resolution other than 800x600, and at this point the monitor loses sync? I have no idea, really...grasping at straws.

So far this is the only game giving me grief.

Author:  maherie [ 01 Mar 2006, 15:19 ]
Post subject:  BF2 wont run at all on new 27" Westinghouse monitor

I know this is a simple thing, but did you play it on your old crt before you got the new LCD? If so there is still files somewhere that is causing it to crash. I know you said clean install, but it doesn't take everything off...

There are a bunch of people who had the same thing as you and a good old format, then fresh install fixed everything!

Author:  HeadRusch [ 02 Mar 2006, 15:47 ]
Post subject:  BF2 wont run at all on new 27" Westinghouse monitor

I've done all the obvious things....deleted the BF2 install, removed the BF2 folder from My Documents, etc.

Also, I discovered that I can't seem to run TIMESHIFT demo either.

At bootup it says "1024x768x32 mode not found" and gives me a rendering error. I can't even get to the menu. :(

And yet the game is supposed to support widescreen....I'm wondering if its some weird incompatibility mode between my 6800GT and this monitor.

Or if its because my monitor is connected via DVI.....

Very depressing.

Author:  maherie [ 02 Mar 2006, 16:17 ]
Post subject:  BF2 wont run at all on new 27" Westinghouse monitor

As I said.

Format your computer from scratch with the new monitor attached, then install all normal drivers, follow the solution everyone has posted in the solution section and it will work. promise.

Author:  HeadRusch [ 02 Mar 2006, 16:21 ]
Post subject:  BF2 wont run at all on new 27" Westinghouse monitor

Gah...a full format? Woe Is Me! :P

Author:  maherie [ 02 Mar 2006, 17:54 ]
Post subject:  BF2 wont run at all on new 27" Westinghouse monitor

I know it sucks, but trust me, It will work first time.

Author:  Gabbo [ 11 Mar 2006, 01:54 ]
Post subject:  BF2 wont run at all on new 27" Westinghouse monitor

Wait, I swear that this is just that "video.con" file. Look in your documents folder for the Battlefield 2 files. Look around for a file called "video.con" ( I think that this is the name). If you find it, delete it. The game will recreate the file. I had problems running BF2 because it was trying to load the config file for my older monitor's setup. Once I deleted the file, I could play the game again.

Author:  Tempus [ 11 Mar 2006, 05:28 ]
Post subject:  BF2 wont run at all on new 27" Westinghouse monitor

Reformatting is always a dead last resort. I'd go about making sure that all files related to BF2 are removed from your PC then reinstall the game. I had a similar problem when I switched from my CRT to widescreen LCD. I had to try a couple of times due to forgetting to delete the directory. Also, doing a complete uninstall of your display drivers using their manufacturers removal tool and then reinstalling may help. Then reinstall the game.

Don't jump to reformatting unless you absolutely have to, it's massive overkill.

Author:  lettuce [ 11 Mar 2006, 16:00 ]
Post subject:  BF2 wont run at all on new 27" Westinghouse monitor

Yep, had the same problem with my new Dell monitor. Had the refresh rate set at 80hz for my old monitor, the Dell can only haddle 60hz!, so was kicking me out of BF2. You need to delete or edit all the video config files for BF2, also found in My documents, aswell as the BF2 folder!!!

Author:  HeadRusch [ 11 Mar 2006, 18:59 ]
Post subject:  BF2 wont run at all on new 27" Westinghouse monitor

None of these solutions worked.

APPARRANTLY, the Westinghouse (and possibly other HDTV's that have a NATIVE 1280x720 panel) cannot accept a X768 signal. So anytime you try to pass it 1024x768, it says "Sorry, can't help you" and boots you out of whatever software you are trying to run.

This is a huge guess, but its all I can come up with. BF2 has two out of the box settings. Medium and Low use 800x600,a nd if you bump things up to HIGH then BF tries to set the resoultion at 1024x768. The ONLY thing I can think of is that the game is trying to test the available videomodes to see if it should run at 800x600 or 1024x768, YES EVEN WITH THE CONFIGURATION FILES....and my monitor freaks at 1024x768, and thats what boots it out.

Someone else on another board mentioned this too, that the Westinghouse will accept a x768 signal as long as its not the PRIMARy display (hence the reason why the game would be displayed properly if the Westy was the secondary display but not the primary).

Anyhow, its all moot at this point. I couldn't live with the contrast ratio and returned it. I'm still trying to decide what direction to go at this point.
Dell 24" WS (which does take those resolutions, but I'd have to scale all my games cuz of the outrageously high rez of tne monitor) or a better brand 27" LCD with a higher contrast ratio (Samsung, HP, Sharp, etc).

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