Widescreen Gaming Forum

set correct resolution :1440x900 of SIS 661FX
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Author:  yesman [ 07 Mar 2006, 11:43 ]
Post subject:  set correct resolution :1440x900 of SIS 661FX

Hi guys,

do anybody know can i change my screen resolution to 1440 by 900, because i'm using Acer AL1916W LCD monitor with my P5S800-VM .

i have already installed the Acer LCD monitor drvier , but i still can't find the correct resolution from display properties and also i have already update the SIS display driver to 6.14 ver. (uvga3_372.zip) too.

so what can i do , now, i can't see the font clearly because i'm use incorrect resolution (1280 by 1024). how can i fix this problem?

i hear that we can d/l the program to set any resolution i like, do anyone have any idea?

Really need ur help, Thanks so much ...

Author:  BongoTrumman [ 07 Mar 2006, 12:56 ]
Post subject:  set correct resolution :1440x900 of SIS 661FX

Seems weird you can´t get the native res with the acer driver. There is a program called powerstrip wich you can create your own custom driver(.inf) with and use whatever res you want. Give it a try.

Your gfx chip should be able to output 1600x1200 via vga so 1440x900 shouldn´t be any problem.

EDIT: You can find a how-to in this thread, link.

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