Widescreen Gaming Forum

Xbox 360 on your widescreen monitors.
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Author:  blast2blaze [ 21 Apr 2006, 05:56 ]
Post subject:  Xbox 360 on your widescreen monitors.

Anyone use their widescreen monitor to play xbox 360? Im looking to purchase 360 and a 2005fpw and would like some of your impressions.

Author:  FrankB [ 21 Apr 2006, 07:58 ]
Post subject:  Xbox 360 on your widescreen monitors.

I'm using my acer al1916w for my 360, check out some pics here: link

Author:  BongoTrumman [ 21 Apr 2006, 10:58 ]
Post subject:  Xbox 360 on your widescreen monitors.

Topic: My Xbox 360 and Dell 2005FPW

Author:  ajg [ 21 Apr 2006, 12:10 ]
Post subject:  Xbox 360 on your widescreen monitors.

i use my 2005 for xbox 360. its fine but i have never been happy with the amount of backlight bleed mine suffers from or the depth of black it produces. if you could afford a few quid more how about this? http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000F4NNWS/qid=1145617755/sr=2-2/ref=sr_2_3_2/203-4381190-5116708[/url]

Author:  kjk437 [ 21 Apr 2006, 19:07 ]
Post subject:  Xbox 360 on your widescreen monitors.

It looks like you're going a little bigger than what I have, but the ViewSonic VA1912wb runs the 360 wonderfully.

Author:  blast2blaze [ 21 Apr 2006, 23:28 ]
Post subject:  Xbox 360 on your widescreen monitors.

for those who r using the 2005fpw, wat kind of connection are u using? I was looking at some specs and they dont mention VGA, am i mistaken or is it true that there is no vga.

Author:  Boobs McGee [ 22 Apr 2006, 16:36 ]
Post subject:  Xbox 360 on your widescreen monitors.

I run my 360 on my 2405FPW through the component cables. I have the 360 set to run 1080i through the dashboard. I think it looks better on this monitor than it does on my 52'' widescreen HDTV that fully supports 1080i. The colors are awesome. I originally hooked the 360 up to the 2405 just to try it out, now it hasn't moved from there.

Author:  blast2blaze [ 23 Apr 2006, 02:31 ]
Post subject:  Xbox 360 on your widescreen monitors.

btw, how would i get sound to work on the 360 if i hook it up directly to the monitor?

Author:  ajg [ 23 Apr 2006, 07:40 ]
Post subject:  Xbox 360 on your widescreen monitors.

blast, you can buy the 360 vga cable. simple as that. the vga has rca outputs as well to go directly into a stereo or speaker system. i have to use a male to male rca joiner then from that go rca to headphone 3mm jack which i can plug into the back of my speakers. if you buy the genuine 360 vga cable you can also have optical out which is handy if you have a digital surround system that supports it. no optical cable is provided though....

Author:  FramerateUK [ 23 Apr 2006, 13:14 ]
Post subject:  Xbox 360 on your widescreen monitors.

I run my 360 on my 2405FPW through the component cables. I have the 360 set to run 1080i through the dashboard. I think it looks better on this monitor than it does on my 52'' widescreen HDTV that fully supports 1080i. The colors are awesome. I originally hooked the 360 up to the 2405 just to try it out, now it hasn't moved from there.

You'll get an even sharper picture if you try the VGA cable, the downside is the colours arent quite as good, theyre as little washed out.

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