Widescreen Gaming Forum

ATI CATALYST "centered timing" not working!
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Author:  lucian_lue [ 01 Jul 2006, 09:43 ]
Post subject:  ATI CATALYST "centered timing" not working!

i have an ATI x1300 card and AOC 193FW(1440x900) monitor.

Already installed the latest driver. but the "use centered timing" mode doesn't work!

any one here had the same problem?

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 01 Jul 2006, 12:50 ]
Post subject:  ATI CATALYST "centered timing" not working!

On Ati GFX cards there is no way to use black bars on the side through the standard drivers.
You can however use Powerstrip for it. For a tutorial on that look here:


It's about half way down the page, FrankB's post.

Oh, and welcome to the family. :mrgreen:

Author:  lucian_lue [ 01 Jul 2006, 14:50 ]
Post subject:  powerStrip didn't work

no, it didn't work...after i clicked the resize button, the screen went blank for a while, and...nothing happened...

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 01 Jul 2006, 14:53 ]
Post subject:  ATI CATALYST "centered timing" not working!

Well, the use centered timing is for playing with black bars right. :)
It's a known thing that it doesn't work with Ati cards. :wink:

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