Widescreen Gaming Forum

How is WoW in widescreen?
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Author:  placebo [ 19 Jul 2006, 22:01 ]
Post subject:  How is WoW in widescreen?

Hey all, I'm just wondering how WoW is in widescreen. Last time I heard widescreen worked natively but cut off the top and bottom of the game screen while slightly widening the view. This doesn't sound absolute great to me, but I can live with putting it in 4:3 windowed mode and having some chat windows or whatnot left on the part I don't use.

Is vert- still the case in fullscreen? Can you override vert- by putting it into windowed and widening it? I'd sorta like to know.


Author:  Nabil [ 20 Jul 2006, 01:38 ]
Post subject:  How is WoW in widescreen?

um.... WOW in widescreen is perfect. You actually can't seen the entire GUI in 4:3 unless you shrink it... you can see it in full in widescreen though.

Also, sure there's vert- in fullscreen widescreen but it's fine, trust me. It doesn't affect the game at all. The scroll wheel controls the camera zoom in WoW, and you will be zooming in and out all the time. You'll have more than enough viewing area.. you can even go into options and enable even more zooming out...

4:3 in WoW is just too tall (and the bottom part of the GUI is cut off on the left and right). Play it in native widescreen.. you'll be fine. WoW was clearly meant to be played on Widescreen...

Author:  CodE-E [ 20 Jul 2006, 11:18 ]
Post subject:  How is WoW in widescreen?

Yeah, it really isn't a big deal. Because you can zoom the camera out quite far, you really won't by bothered by the fact that it's mainly vert- and only slightly hor+.

I play WoW a LOT, and I bought my widescreen monitor mainly for it, and I really don't regret it. Having lots of room on the sides of the screen space for user interface mods (such as Damage Meters or CT Raid Assist) is really nice.

Author:  caevob [ 20 Jul 2006, 12:37 ]
Post subject:  How is WoW in widescreen?

I found that having a widescreen for WoW has made my gaming much more enjoyable. The big difference is in raids where you can have the full raid showing and see whats going on not just the health bars. Any healers will find this a great thing. If you are a UI hog you will love the extra width.

Author:  Nabil [ 20 Jul 2006, 15:59 ]
Post subject:  How is WoW in widescreen?

Yeah I only play WOW very rarely and casually so I'm just using the default GUI at default size on my 2405FPW.... I have a friend who's a WOW geek who is constantly yelling at me for not shrinking the buttons down and filling the entire screen with all his custom stuff...

Author:  skipclarke [ 23 Jul 2006, 20:53 ]
Post subject:  How is WoW in widescreen?

It's widescreen implementation isn't perfect, but I have to admit I don't really notice it. This is one of the few games that I truly used enjoy having a widescreen display for.

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