Widescreen Gaming Forum

EvE Widescreen tweaking
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Author:  Keith_C [ 26 Jul 2006, 22:19 ]
Post subject:  EvE Widescreen tweaking

I just got a widescreen monitor and was testing out some of my games and a bunch appeared to automagically work without any instruction from me. EvE online worked, but not the way I wanted it to.

When I set EvE to my max resolution - 1680x1050 I believe - the widescreen doesn't fill up the screen, it has strips on the top and bottom. I'd prefer if it was fullscreen filling the whole widescreen, I know I've seen this in some screenshots, anyone have any input on this?

Author:  Surefoot [ 27 Jul 2006, 14:54 ]
Post subject:  EvE Widescreen tweaking

I've been in Eve beta only so my merories are a bit dated, but i recall there was a "letterbox" option in the graphics option panel, you may try to check / uncheck things in this area... ?

Author:  Keith_C [ 27 Jul 2006, 21:01 ]
Post subject:  EvE Widescreen tweaking

There is a "widescreen" checkbox, but for some reason using that doesn't make it work. Someone I work with is using the same settings and it works for him, I'm guessing it's just a glitchy thing.

Author:  Surefoot [ 31 Jul 2006, 14:49 ]
Post subject:  EvE Widescreen tweaking

In my memories the "letterbox" option added black bars above and below the picture to make it more "movie-like", and the game was pre-configured that way (with the scanlines effect, too). Cant help you furhter, i quit this game a long time ago. There's nothing on Eve Online forums ?

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