Widescreen Gaming Forum

Dungeon Keeper 1
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Author:  Mark Havel [ 31 Jul 2006, 16:10 ]
Post subject:  Dungeon Keeper 1

I'd like to have more feedback. I've reinstalled the game and not only it runs perfectly well under Windows XP but it seems to adapt itself quite well to my wide screen. Of course it is still quite a low resolution but I didn't notice any kind of stretching while playing the game. It's quite easy to see since the loading screens are burning CDs. When I switched back my old 17" LCD, the game displayed black bands as if I where watching some video. I had to install the Direct3D patch to have it back in full screen and not hiding the lower part of the interface.

Anyway, the game seemed to perfectly fit my 16:10 screen. Should some other users confirm this, it would make another great old game supporting wide resolutions.

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 01 Aug 2006, 06:54 ]
Post subject:  Dungeon Keeper 1

Dungeon Keeper has its origins in DOS, where most games ran in 320x200 mode, which happens to be a widescreen aspect ratio. The Windows version is ported from the DOS version, and it can run in 320x200 or 640x400, which basically quadruples each of the pixels. The Direct3D version uses 640x480, and adds details to the top and bottom.

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