Widescreen Gaming Forum

NFS Underground 2 at 1680x1050 ?? how?
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Author:  SS-Mime [ 29 Aug 2006, 07:24 ]
Post subject:  NFS Underground 2 at 1680x1050 ?? how?

Hello there,

I downloaded the .ini file.. and the Uniws.exe.

Right after I pick NFS underground 2 and look for the file. Then when is found it wont let me press "Patch" Why is this happening?? How on earth can I crack my Need for speed .exe file? it says It needs to be cracked.

Any help? please?


Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 29 Aug 2006, 09:04 ]
Post subject:  NFS Underground 2 at 1680x1050 ?? how?

Hello SS-Mime ... welcome to the WSGF ... 8)

You need a nocd file ... this is what is known as "Cracked" .... get it here ...

Get the one for whatever patched version of the game you have ... I would suggest patching the game to the latest version first.

Replace the games .exe file with the nocd version.
Run the Uniws.exe again ... it should now work ... :D

Always make backups of files you are going to change or replace.

Author:  SS-Mime [ 29 Aug 2006, 14:17 ]
Post subject:  NFS Underground 2 at 1680x1050 ?? how?


Thank you so much for your quick reply without it I wouldn't have been able to do anything. It worked i can play the games at widescreen with my Dell 2005FPW.

I do play it. But I can tell the game is not running smoothly, And its due to the resolution. I notice that every second theres like a "SLOW MOTION" cycle. Every around 2 seconds. Is so annoying. This never happened before with my old CRT monitor. Is not my graphic card either (Nvidia 6800 Ultra PCI-E).

I wonder if the ones that used this patch noticed this slow cycle motion. It goes smoothly and then in a second.. It seems like SLOW Motion, Not like when you have a bad graphic card and it just.. freezes. No this is slow motion.. for a sec.. and then again .. and again.

Any ideas?

Thank you so much again!

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 29 Aug 2006, 14:35 ]
Post subject:  NFS Underground 2 at 1680x1050 ?? how?

Hi there ...
I have no idea what the problem might be ... it worked fine for me ...

The game does have a bit of a bug where it seems to be stepping through the frames every now and then but this is there no matter what the res.

Sorry this isn't any help ... :(

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 29 Aug 2006, 14:36 ]
Post subject:  NFS Underground 2 at 1680x1050 ?? how?

Hi there ...
I have no idea what the problem might be ... it worked fine for me ...

Sorry I can't help you more ... :(

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