I have looked into monitor calibration quite a bit recently, and have found that while there are basic tools like Adobe Gamma and expensive software suites that come with colorimeters, there isn't much in between. I don't have a professional colorimeter, nor the spare cash to shell out for one, so what I've used is this:
It seems to work better than Adobe Gamma, which is the only other monitor calibration I've ever used. I've got two questions:
1. Is there any better software/perceptual calibration tool out there?
2. The ICC profile that this thing creates doesn't seem to affect video, and I don't know if it affects games or not. How do I make sure that it affects everything? Is there some way to wire the ICC profile into the video card drivers so that the color calibration is applied to *everything*? (I'm more concerned with answering this one than #1)
Thanks guys!