Widescreen Gaming Forum

Pharaoh, Zeus...on widescreen
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Author:  Jerolli [ 16 Jan 2007, 17:24 ]
Post subject:  Pharaoh, Zeus...on widescreen

Does someone know some widescreen solution for pharaoh and Zeus Sierra's games? I can't put them in a 16/10 resolution :(
Those games are really great but with a widescreen resolution... :w00t

Please help, and sorry for my poor english...

Author:  Jerolli [ 21 Jan 2007, 03:43 ]
Post subject:  Pharaoh, Zeus...on widescreen

Something to do? :roll:

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 21 Jan 2007, 11:57 ]
Post subject:  Pharaoh, Zeus...on widescreen

Continuing from the IRC... ;)

If we don't have the games, we can't be of help. Sorry. :(

Author:  Jerolli [ 22 Jan 2007, 02:37 ]
Post subject:  Pharaoh, Zeus...on widescreen


However, those games are similar to Caesar III, this is more famous. I think that someone could have it.


Author:  skeeder [ 22 Jan 2007, 03:57 ]
Post subject:  Pharaoh, Zeus...on widescreen

I do believe those are DX7 correct? They are pretty old.

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 22 Jan 2007, 04:09 ]
Post subject:  Pharaoh, Zeus...on widescreen

They came out in 1999-2000. DirectX 6.1 would be more likely. They were strictly 2D games, so calling them "DirectX 6" games wouldn't mean the same thing as calling Half-Life a "DirectX 6" game.

In any event, the year of their release is a better indicator of how old they are than which version of DirectX they used.

I used to have both of these games, but I know I don't have Zeus any more, and I doubt I have Pharaoh any more. I doubt a widescreen solution is likely. If you want to try to find one yourself, you could start by locating the file the resolution is stored in. Try this:

Set the game to the lowest resolution. Save settings, and quit.
Copy the game directory to another drive (or another directory).
Launch the game, and set it to the highest resolution. Save settings, and quit.
Move the copy of the game directory back to the original location.
Launch the game.

If the resolution is at the highest setting, then it isn't stored in a file in the game directory. Look somewhere else. It's most likely either in another directory, or in the registry. But if the resolution is at the lowest, then it's stored in a file in the game directory. Repeat the above five steps, but on the fourth step, move *some* of the files back, not all. Keep doing this until you isolate the settings to the right bunch of files, then repeat the steps again until you find the one file that holds it.

Author:  squ1zzy [ 22 Jan 2007, 12:15 ]
Post subject:  Pharaoh, Zeus...on widescreen


Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 23 Jan 2007, 02:09 ]
Post subject:  Pharaoh, Zeus...on widescreen

That would take hours..

I've used this method before, and it usually takes me all of 20 minutes to find "the file" on a game with a 600-700MB installation size. Pharaoh and Zeus are much smaller than that.

Author:  Apollo [ 01 May 2007, 03:46 ]
Post subject:  Found FIle

Hi ! I also have the same problem with these games and I tried cranky hermint's method and found the file ! although there's a problem I can't understand the language it is written in, the file is .INF extension. and it has the following content :
. d d Osorkon 2 d P d d B

that's it ! don't know whitch letters shoud I change to set a different resolution ! If someone knows this stuff pls answer ! many thX :?

Author:  Triklops [ 30 Oct 2010, 16:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pharaoh, Zeus...on widescreen

Sorry for necroposting but..just had to bump this one. Anyone found any solutions to this yet? This game is simply one of the best city building games based on greek mythology out there. The building graphics in this game especially sanctuaries/temples look so realistic and beautiful that they make even the best looking ones from other 2D RTS like Age of Empires 2 look like shacks and unlike AOE2 this game doesn't suffer from palette corruption in Windows 7 with aero enabled and in terms of gameplay, well its the pinnacle of Sierra's city building series. C'mon guys, doesn't anyone play this game anymore to find a widescreen fix? This game definitely deserves one. :(

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