Widescreen Gaming Forum

Brothers in Arms - FOV change for weapon?
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Author:  Sweetz [ 03 Mar 2007, 06:43 ]
Post subject:  Brothers in Arms - FOV change for weapon?

Hi, first I just want to say this site is a great resource; now onto business.

It's an older game, but I'm just starting to play through Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30.

I read the solution for the game and confirmed that changing the FOV in the .ini file works for the environment, but it doesn't seem to apply to the player weapon/hand. I'm running a 16:9 display and no matter what FOV I set "my" gun/hand is always vertically cut off in comparison to 4:3 even though the actual "view" isn't.

I guess the in-view weapon must be drawn as a separate render pass or something and the view FOV doesn't apply to it. Is there anyway to fix this so the full weapon model can be seen?

PS Does this affect other Unreal engine games or is this specific to BiA?

Author:  Sweetz [ 05 Mar 2007, 02:27 ]
Post subject:  Brothers in Arms - FOV change for weapon?

I posted this in the detailed report thread for BIA, but here's what I'm talking about. You can easily see the gun is vertically cut off in widescreen vs standard, while the rest of the image behaves according to the FOV. (These images wre resized from original res for the forum)

1024x768 FOV=63 (default)

1360x768 FOV=80

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 05 Mar 2007, 03:16 ]
Post subject:  Brothers in Arms - FOV change for weapon?

PS Does this affect other Unreal engine games or is this specific to BiA?

This actually effects a lot of FPS's that require manually adjusting the FOV. Most of the Unreal engine games are affected by this.

Author:  Sweetz [ 05 Mar 2007, 04:13 ]
Post subject:  Brothers in Arms - FOV change for weapon?

This actually effects a lot of FPS's that require manually adjusting the FOV. Most of the Unreal engine games are affected by this.

Darn; and there's no way to fix it?

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