Widescreen Gaming Forum

fifa 07 1920*1080 help me!! please
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Author:  natpat44 [ 16 Jun 2007, 15:32 ]
Post subject:  fifa 07 1920*1080 help me!! please

me just play and 1920*1080 comment is possible please ????
thx you the solution for me thx... :cry:

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 16 Jun 2007, 15:51 ]
Post subject:  fifa 07 1920*1080 help me!! please

Moved your topic since it was in a section where only mods can reply to it.

Also, if you look in the Master Game List you could have found this link :wink:

Author:  natpat44 [ 16 Jun 2007, 16:03 ]
Post subject:  fifa 07 1920*1080 help me!! please

no me resolution 1920-1080!!!!

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 16 Jun 2007, 16:07 ]
Post subject:  fifa 07 1920*1080 help me!! please

Did you even try the solution at all?

Author:  natpat44 [ 16 Jun 2007, 16:16 ]
Post subject:  fifa 07 1920*1080 help me!! please

what?? do you speack french please??
just resolution 1920*1080 help me config fifa 07 thx...

Backup your fifa07.exe file.
Edit fifa07.exe.
Find this hex pattern:
20 03 00 00 58 02
Change it to set your resolution. The first two bytes are your horizontal resolution, in little endian. The middle two bytes are always zero. The last two bytes are your vertical resolution, also in little endian.
For example, 1920x1200 would be this:
80 07 00 00 B0 04
1680x1050 would be this:
90 06 00 00 1A 04
And 1440x900 would be this:
A0 05 00 00 84 03
Now search for the old hex pattern a second time and replace that one too.

AND 1920*1080!!!! help me!!

Author:  Dem Pyros [ 16 Jun 2007, 16:34 ]
Post subject:  fifa 07 1920*1080 help me!! please

what?? do you speack french please??
just resolution 1920*1080 help me config fifa 07 thx...

Backup your fifa07.exe file.
Edit fifa07.exe.
Find this hex pattern:
20 03 00 00 58 02
Change it to set your resolution. The first two bytes are your horizontal resolution, in little endian. The middle two bytes are always zero. The last two bytes are your vertical resolution, also in little endian.
For example, 1920x1200 would be this:
80 07 00 00 B0 04
1680x1050 would be this:
90 06 00 00 1A 04
And 1440x900 would be this:
A0 05 00 00 84 03
Now search for the old hex pattern a second time and replace that one too.

AND 1920*1080!!!! help me!!

We no speak french.............problem.

COPY and PASTE your fifa07.exe
RIGHT CLICK and EDIT the OTHER fifa07.exe
CTRL-F and find "20 03 00 00 58 02"
CHANGE IT to "80 07 00 00 B0 04"
CTRL-F and find "20 03 00 00 58 02"
CHANGE IT to "80 07 00 00 B0 04"

Help a little?

Author:  squ1zzy [ 16 Jun 2007, 16:38 ]
Post subject:  fifa 07 1920*1080 help me!! please


Author:  natpat44 [ 16 Jun 2007, 16:41 ]
Post subject:  fifa 07 1920*1080 help me!! please

??? me noob .. sorry :cry:

Author:  natpat44 [ 16 Jun 2007, 16:43 ]
Post subject:  fifa 07 1920*1080 help me!! please

is it 1920*1080 you fifa07.exe??

1-- copy you fifa07.exe ans folder

2-- play for the programm and joy ??????

squ1zzy ??

Author:  squ1zzy [ 17 Jun 2007, 08:42 ]
Post subject:  fifa 07 1920*1080 help me!! please

is it 1920*1080 you fifa07.exe??

1-- copy you fifa07.exe ans folder

2-- play for the programm and joy ??????

squ1zzy ??

Rename the original fif07.exe found in the folder where the game is installed. Copy fifa07.exe and the patcher in the same folder. Run the patcher and select the resolution. Play the game and set the resolution in game at 640x480.

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