Widescreen Gaming Forum

BF2142 How to get black bars?
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Author:  alvernaz78 [ 20 Jun 2007, 17:03 ]
Post subject:  BF2142 How to get black bars?

I don't like the stretched look of BF 2142. Is there a way I can get black bars on the sides? Or a way I can fix it with windows mode?

I guess I could manually change the geometry of my screen...but was hoping for another way.

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 20 Jun 2007, 18:12 ]
Post subject:  BF2142 How to get black bars?



Author:  alvernaz78 [ 20 Jun 2007, 19:03 ]
Post subject:  BF2142 How to get black bars?

Unless I'm missing something....that doesn't really answer my question. I already editing the target line of my shortcut. Once I did that, it made the game work....but it looks really stretched.

I was wondering if there was a way to "cut" of the sides.... So my 19" widescreen would look like a 19" fullscreen (for this game only).

Sorry, I'm not the best with computers, and I just bought a widescreen.

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 20 Jun 2007, 19:11 ]
Post subject:  BF2142 How to get black bars?

Hmm, you're supposed to get an unstretched widescreen resolution with that hack. It's vert- but still widescreen. I would choice to run it like that instead of using black borders since you're going to have run it at 1024x768 then. If you really want to use black borders then you're stuck with the program called Powerstrip.

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