Widescreen Gaming Forum

Splinter Cell Double Agent question...
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Author:  the$#!Za. [ 21 Jun 2007, 12:17 ]
Post subject:  Splinter Cell Double Agent question...

Hi fellas.

I'm aware that getting a custom resolution on Double Agent is easily done, but just had a question or two about the FOV settings.

On the official UBI support site for Double Agent, their instructions for custom resolution is the following :

The resolutions shown within the game are the resolutions which the graphics card drivers and monitor have told the game they both support. However if you wish to use a custom resolution you can do this by editing the configuration files for the game directly.

However this is NOT supported by Ubisoft and any damages to your system is not our responsibility.

Open the folder where the game is installed, by default this is at :

C:Program FilesUbisoftTom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double AgentSCDA-OfflineSystem

Find and open the file called 'SplinterCell4.ini' using notepad.

Scroll down and find the following lines (Default setup)


Just edit the number on the last two lines to the width and height you wish and then resave the file.
Load the game again.

If the game fails to load having done this, then delete the configuration file and it will be rebuilt with the default settings again.

I was just wondering why they don't mention anything about changing the FOV values or where this setting is found to change it depending on our native aspect ratio ??

Does Double Agent automatically change the FOV value when custom resolutions are entered in ??

Or does it stay on the default 75.0 no matter what resolution ??


Author:  StingingVelvet [ 21 Jun 2007, 21:07 ]
Post subject:  Splinter Cell Double Agent question...

The solution you seek is right here on this site in the detailed report. I won't insult your intelligence by linking to it.

Author:  the$#!Za. [ 26 Jun 2007, 10:46 ]
Post subject:  Splinter Cell Double Agent question...

The solution you seek is right here on this site in the detailed report. I won't insult your intelligence by linking to it.

Thanks for that insightful comment StingingVelvet lol. I mentioned in my topic why I still posted my question but I won't insult your reading ability by quoting it :)

Just wanted to know why in the official Double Agent readme it only mentions how to change to custom resolutions and not mentioning anything about changing FOV to fit, hence my latter questions.

I'm already aware that here the changing FOV solution is already posted and works like it always does from WSGF.


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