Widescreen Gaming Forum

Toca Race Driver 3 Wide Screen Support
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Author:  GuardianAsher [ 27 Jun 2007, 03:10 ]
Post subject:  Toca Race Driver 3 Wide Screen Support

I'm wondering if I'm missing something about the wide screen support for this game. I've thoroughly searched the forums, checked the entry on the Master Game List, but I'm confused.

In the entry, The_cranky_hermit mentioned that the game does not support 16:10 resolutions by default, but for me, this is not the case. I am easily able to run the game in 1440x900 resolution, without any kind of stretch whatsoever, as well as various other 16:10 resolutions if need be. And I also don't have to manually edit the INI file. I can just run the "Configure TOCA Race Driver 3" utility that came with the game, and I am able to change the resolution, as well as the aspect ratio for my monitor. I

f screenshot proof is needed, then I can provide it later. And I apologize if this has already been discussed somewhere else on the forum, but I was not able to find any other entries in the search that I did.

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