Widescreen Gaming Forum

Rise of Nations rise2.ini AutoPatcher - I know it's overdue.
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Author:  Cynagen [ 16 Apr 2008, 12:38 ]
Post subject:  Rise of Nations rise2.ini AutoPatcher - I know it's overdue.

I know it's WAY late guys, but somebody requested where the file was, and I figured, why not just make a quick autopatcher for new folks so they don't have to go digging. Especially in the convoluted Vista folder setup...

Tested with Rise of Nations retail, and Rise of Nations + Thrones & Patriots expansion retail, no problem.

RON-Patch v1.0:

NOTE: This is not for Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends, that has default support, this is for Rise of Nations and Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots, retail and patched.
NOTE: This will work with a patched (v1.3) copy no matter where installed, but checks the DEFAULT installation directory for the game's config if it can't find the INI file in the application data.

Author:  Smig [ 22 Aug 2008, 19:43 ]
Post subject:  Rise of Nations rise2.ini AutoPatcher - I know it's overdue.

I just got the game and I came running here to find a solution but I can't find those damn files and this link seems to be down. I'll keep trying to find the files but if anyone could provide an alternate source I'd be grateful...

Author:  vinraith [ 08 Mar 2009, 07:44 ]
Post subject:  Rise of Nations rise2.ini AutoPatcher - I know it's overdue.

The link seems to be dead, any chance anyone can provide this file? I'd love to get RoN T&P working in widescreen.

Edit: Scrap that, figured it out myself. For anyone else that stumbles across this looking for a solution, just run a search on your hard drive for "rise2.ini," open it, edit Windowed Width and Windowed Height to be whatever you like, and set AllowAllResolutions=1 (instead of the 0 default value). Works like a charm.

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