Widescreen Gaming Forum

ArchLord widescreen solution
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Author:  Alpha1 [ 28 Dec 2008, 02:29 ]
Post subject:  ArchLord widescreen solution

Hi, I recently installed Archlord: Episode III and I found there is NO native support for widescreen resolutions.

However, I did a search over Internet and found a minor solution in this post of an official Codemasters forum:

Sadly, the Archlord UI does not yet support widescreen resolutions. It is possible to manually change the resolution to a widescreen resolution, however only the game area will be rendered in widescreen. The UI (bottom bar with skill slots, health, etc), will still be rendered in 1024*768, and thus probably be positioned in the center of the screen (which is rather annoying).
If you can live with this, the resolution can be changed by manually editing "COption.ini" in the "ini" folder within your main Archlord folder. Simply change the "Height" and "Width" parameters to your preferred widescreen resolution, and save the file.

If you play at a 4:3 resolution on a widescreen monitor, you can use the ingame command "/wide" (simply press 'enter' and type "/wide", followed by 'enter' again), to change the aspect ratio to better fit the widescreen ratio. This will make the game appear less stretched than usual, although it will still run at the original 4:3 resolution.

I tried to manually change the resolution to 1440x900 by editting COption.ini. The game render works well but the UI is positioned on the top left corner of the screen, so it is very ugly and definitely not playable.

Actually, the better solutions are:
[list=1]1 - play windowed at 4:3 resolution
2 - play at 1280x1024 or 1600x1200 and type the command "/wide" ingame to correct the aspect ratio of the stretched image[/list:o]
If anyone finds a better solution, please reply it!. I hope this information will help users playing this great game.

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