Widescreen Gaming Forum

Major Headache with 840X525 resolution
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Author:  laweffect [ 06 Jan 2009, 17:34 ]
Post subject:  Major Headache with 840X525 resolution


I have two questions which I am hoping someone could help me with.

Firstly, I have been using fraps to capture some ingame footage at half the native resolution of my monitor; 840X525 (native size 1680 x 1050). Ideally I would like to upload the video to youtube but unfortunately the file size is way too big.

Are there any video converts that will compress this file down? I have searched for hours and can only find video converters with built in pre-sets which support phones, ipods, HD 16:9...but not user defined resolutions.

Secondly, will the youtube player be able to handle 16:10 video ratios in it's new wide screen player? Will there be black lines above etc...

Any help is greatly appreciated as this has been driving me mad.


Author:  DaFox [ 06 Jan 2009, 19:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Major Headache with 840X525 resolution

Ideally I would like to upload the video to youtube but unfortunately the file size is way too big.

Are there any video converts that will compress this file down?

Secondly, will the youtube player be able to handle 16:10 video ratios in it's new wide screen player? Will there be black lines above etc...

Yes the files that come out of fraps are largely uncompressed for editing and whatnot.

HandBreak and MediaCoder are both great easy to use converters.

Heres some rough stats that I found to use
Video codec: h.264
Video bitrate: at least 2 Mbps preferred; 500 kbps minimum
Audio codec: AAC
Audio bitrate: at least 128 kbps

Yes the youtube player will be able to handle 16:10 just fine, There will be small black bars on the top/bottom.

Author:  laweffect [ 06 Jan 2009, 20:55 ]
Post subject:  Thanks

Thanks for this. This has really helped.


Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 06 Jan 2009, 22:26 ]
Post subject:  Major Headache with 840X525 resolution

If you want to cut down your recordings prior to encoding, use VirtualDub's Direct Stream Copy feature.

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