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PostPosted: 23 Jan 2009, 03:47 
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Joined: 21 Mar 2006, 05:01
Posts: 1993
Even with the cookie-cutter game environments, I really enjoyed the first FEAR game and its expansion, (though not Perseus Mandate) so I thought I'd give the FEAR 2 demo a go.

Every 5:4, 4:3, 16:9, 16:10 and 2.35:1 resolution I tried resulted in 16:9 letter/pillar boxed image, as with Assassins Creed and Mirrors Edge. Up to 1680x1050. I'm too lazy to give comparison screens, so you'll have to take my word for it.

FOV feels about right, and a quick glance at the .cfg files gave no indication of changing the FOV.

Makes me wonder what it does in TH.

So far, so good. I'll definitely be grabbing a copy of the full game once it's released.



Minimum system requirements:

* CPU: P4 2.8GHz (3.2GHz Vista)/Athlon 64 3000+ (3200+ Vista)
* GPU: Fully DX9-compliant graphics card with 256MB (SM 2.0b). NVidia 6800 or ATI X700.
* Memory: 1GB (1.5GB Vista)
* HDD: 12GB
* OS: Windows XP SP2/Vista SP1
* DirectX: 9.0c
* Sound: DX9.0c compliant
* Optical drive: DVD (boxed only)
* Internet: Broadband

Recommended system requirements:

* CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz processor family/Athlon 64 X2 4400+ (required for MP host)
* GPU: Fully DX9-compliant graphics card with 512MB (SM 3.0). NVidia 8600 GTS or ATI HD 2900 XT.
* Memory: 1.5GB
* HDD: 12GB
* OS: Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1
* DirectX: 9.0c
* Sound: DX9.0c compliant
* Optical drive: DVD (boxed only)
* Internet: Broadband (768kbit/sec upstream required to host 16 players)


PostPosted: 23 Jan 2009, 07:08 

Joined: 28 Oct 2008, 09:35
Posts: 186
no good for triplehead atm

fingers crossed racer_s or someone else will fix this with a patch like mirros edge :)

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2009, 07:15 

Joined: 24 Oct 2008, 02:00
Posts: 7
I'm sure it will be fixed be the time the game comes out... Feb 10th I think.

PostPosted: 11 Feb 2009, 13:36 

Joined: 28 Oct 2008, 09:35
Posts: 186
game is out ^^

waiting for a fix :)

i'm looking at u racer_s and u dopefish ^_^

both are my heroes ^_^

PostPosted: 11 Feb 2009, 21:07 

Joined: 24 Oct 2008, 02:00
Posts: 7
Well the game was released with a patch that brings the game up to v.101, as far as I know there was no fix for the letterbox issue in the patch. Hopefully this can be fixed soon.... PLEASE :D

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2009, 17:40 
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Joined: 06 Mar 2008, 17:20
Posts: 3424
I'm not sure this "can be fixed soon". :?
Even if we can get rid of the black bars, what will happen to the whole HUD "visor" ? Will it stick where it is now, in the middle of the screen, becoming even more intrusive and odd ? Will it stretch in TripleHead, turning its already specific design into a useless mess ?

For the time being, I think the anamorphism in Project Origin is a matter of "take it or leave it". I'm sure our FOV hack specialists will let us know as soon as they find a solution. Meanwhile, you'd be better off leaving your comments on the game's official forum ;) (no offense - Monolith MUST be told that black bars mean frustration for many 4:3/16:10/TH gamers)

PostPosted: 14 Feb 2009, 13:13 

Joined: 28 Oct 2008, 09:35
Posts: 186
just to let everyone know , racer _ s is working on a it :)

he says his "almost" got it :)


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