Widescreen Gaming Forum

Sacred gold?
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Author:  crudux_cruo [ 03 Mar 2009, 12:00 ]
Post subject:  Sacred gold?

I know this game is old, but I've recently been picked up some not-so-new games to play on my EeePC 901, which has a resolution of 1024x600.

However, in some stroke of genius the devs of this game decided to have the game run at an unchangeable 1024x768, which does work on the Eee, but requires me to scroll the screen up and down, which is a complete pain.

Is there any fix for this? Even running it at 800x600 would be fine for me. I don't even care if it gets stretched, I just don't want to have to do the damn scrolling.

Author:  danbeherenow [ 09 Mar 2009, 00:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sacred gold?

I know this game is old, but I've recently been picked up some not-so-new games to play on my EeePC 901, which has a resolution of 1024x600.

However, in some stroke of genius the devs of this game decided to have the game run at an unchangeable 1024x768, which does work on the Eee, but requires me to scroll the screen up and down, which is a complete pain.

Is there any fix for this? Even running it at 800x600 would be fine for me. I don't even care if it gets stretched, I just don't want to have to do the damn scrolling.

Maybe try here they talk about aspect ratios. Have a look through the thread maybe it will sort your problem out![/url]

Author:  lobski [ 05 May 2009, 12:54 ]
Post subject:  Sacred gold?

I would like to bump this up again.

The native res is hurtful on my 30", and I'm wondering if anyone has heard of any hack/mod for this game.

Author:  lobski [ 06 May 2009, 01:29 ]
Post subject:  Sacred gold?

If anyone wants to give it a hack, I've uploaded the Steam version of Sacred Gold:

11MB: http://absolutely-corrupt.com/uploads/random/Sacred.exe

Here's to hoping :D

Author:  Tanuki [ 07 May 2009, 06:08 ]
Post subject:  Sacred gold?

Single resolution games come with a lot of baggage that would have to be tweaked.

In otherwords a straight hex edit would most likely not do much if anything.

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