Widescreen Gaming Forum

fallout 3 fov
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Author:  wader2k [ 11 Mar 2009, 15:36 ]
Post subject:  fallout 3 fov

I have read everything I could find on setting fov in fallout 3 and I know what variables to add to the ini and so forth.....

my question is WHAT do I set them to for 1920x1200.....I have read 95.2 in some places but I don't know where that comes from....When FOV isn't set properly things appear distorted so methinks setting this properly is critical......but nowhere can I find definitive info

the variables involved:

fPipboy1stPersonFOV= 47 default???

fRenderedTerminalFOV = 0.15 ????

What should I be setting these variables to for 1920x1200???

Author:  Abram [ 14 Mar 2009, 06:17 ]
Post subject:  fallout 3 fov

Just put it to what'
s comfortable to you. I recall trying a few suggestions but ended up sticking with somethign else.

Too bad I don't remember what that value was, though... I prefer a slight fish-eye effect.

Which FOV method you use is another matter.

Author:  wader2k [ 14 Mar 2009, 07:24 ]
Post subject:  fallout 3 fov

Just put it to what'
s comfortable to you. I recall trying a few suggestions but ended up sticking with somethign else.

Too bad I don't remember what that value was, though... I prefer a slight fish-eye effect.

Which FOV method you use is another matter.

FOV method????

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