Widescreen Gaming Forum

Stalin vs. Martians (Vert-)
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Author:  scavvenjahh [ 29 Apr 2009, 12:06 ]
Post subject:  Stalin vs. Martians (Vert-)

http://stalinvsmartians.com/ (choke-full of silly soviet stuff - don't miss the audio/video section comrade !!!)

The wait is finally over, Stalin vs. Martians is out !
This simplistic RTS game with a twist runs at a miserable 1024x768... but you can adjust that to your imperialist linking :

- start a game and exit to make sure user files are generated
- edit C:Program FilesMezmer GamesStalin vs. MartiansprofilesÈãðîêuser.cfg in Notepad
(Èãðîê is the profile folder I get anyway...)
- earch the line starting with setvar gfx_resolution = and enter your desired resolution.

All resolutions are appearently supported through this edit.
Gameplay is Vert- w/ stretched 2D.

4:3 (1024x768, default resolution)

16:9 (1360x768)

15:4 'faux' TripleHead (2560x682)

All we need for Hor+ gameplay is the ability to zoom out a little more, but I can't for the life of me find where the max zoom out / camera height value is. :cry:
The cfg files in profiles have stuff like camera_far_plane or plane_max_height but they don't seem to help.

I command the millions and millions of SvM fans to help me out !

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 29 Apr 2009, 23:21 ]
Post subject:  Stalin vs. Martians (Vert-)

For someone whose RTS love is limited to Age of Empires and Command and Conquer, is this a good game?

What I mean is, is it good for a more casual RTS player?

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 29 Apr 2009, 23:54 ]
Post subject:  Stalin vs. Martians (Vert-)

Not really, or maybe just too much. There's no base building and close to zero strategy involved, you're the mighty Red Army after all - just kill all martians you encounter, grab coins and call in reinforcements. So to be honest, SvM is probably more casual than you've ever been :lol:

If you like parody though, it's pretty fun. Large-scale WW2 action with local dance music in your ears is a trip, and calling the USSR Anthem for double damage is something War Front : Turning Point was missing. The game is little more than a big joke though, with dated graphics and limited gameplay. That's fine with me, but people looking for a new RTS might be bitterly disappointed...
Then again, I only tried the few first missions, so who knows what lies ahead (except comrade Stalin, of course) ?

Author:  lobski [ 01 May 2009, 04:10 ]
Post subject:  Stalin vs. Martians (Vert-)

For someone whose RTS love is limited to Age of Empires and Command and Conquer, is this a good game?

What I mean is, is it good for a more casual RTS player?

It's getting horrible to bad reviews so far.

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 01 May 2009, 05:35 ]
Post subject:  Stalin vs. Martians (Vert-)

Yeah, I'm staying away for now.

Steam added some western RTS today too which looks a bit more interesting and action oriented.

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