Widescreen Gaming Forum

Crazy Taxi (pc)
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Author:  kleinert86 [ 02 May 2009, 14:05 ]
Post subject:  Crazy Taxi (pc)

Hi everyone,

as you may know good old crazy taxi only supports resolutions of up to
1280*960. However there is a *.cfg file in the game folder but i have no
clue how to edit it.

Has anyone else tried to make the game run in higher resolutions and how?

kleinert 86

Author:  skipclarke [ 02 May 2009, 16:53 ]
Post subject:  Crazy Taxi (pc)

Is the .cfg in plain text, or HEX?

Author:  kleinert86 [ 02 May 2009, 18:59 ]
Post subject:  Crazy Taxi (pc)

If uploaded the .cfg on rapidshare. If anyone could figure out if its possible to
edit the resolution through this file?

I may be totally wrong, but its the only file i could imagine to set the resolution :)


Author:  BooTx [ 03 May 2009, 08:26 ]
Post subject:  Crazy Taxi (pc)

Using a hex editor, I found that the config file doesn't store the resolution itself, but the first byte stores a number 1-5 which represents the resolution option you've chosen in the CTCONFIG.exe program.

01 = 640x480, 02 = 800x600, 03 = 1024x768, 04 = 1152x864, 05 = 1280x960

You can hack widescreen support into the Crazy_Taxi_PC.exe file using a hex editor, but unfortunately it stretches, and also cuts off the bottom of the menu. I'll list the instructions here if you want to give it a shot, anyway. I should note that I don't have the full version, so I did this on the demo. I couldn't tell you if it's going to work with whatever version you have. Likely, the line that the string is on will be different, but you'll probably still be able to find the string and modify it assuming the copy protection in the full version doesn't mess it up.

To add widescreen support to this game you'll need a hex editor such as Be.HexEditor. Open your Crazy_Taxi_PC.exe file and search for the line 000090a0 or search for the string highlighted below (and make sure it's on that line).

20 03 and 58 02 represent the resolution 800x600. What we'll do is change them to represent the widescreen resolution we want.

1280x720 - Replace 20 03 with 00 05 and replace 58 02 with D0 02
1280x800 - Replace 20 03 with 00 05 and replace 58 02 with 20 03
1366x768 - Replace 20 03 with 56 05 and replace 58 02 with 00 03
1440x900 - Replace 20 03 with A0 05 and replace 58 02 with 84 03
1680x1050 - Replace 20 03 with 90 06 and replace 58 02 with 1A 04
1920x1080 - Replace 20 03 with 80 07 and replace 58 02 with 38 04
1920x1200 - Replace 20 03 with 80 07 and replace 58 02 with B0 04

After you're done, save the file and select 800x600 as your resolution in the CTCONFIG.exe program.

1024x768 (4:3)

1280x720 (16:9)


Oh and if you'd like to try running the game at a higher standard resolution (would probably be optimal if you're going to be pillarboxing on a high resolution widescreen)...

(5:4) 1280x1024 - Replace 20 03 with 00 05 and replace 58 02 with 00 04
(4:3) 1600x1200 - Replace 20 03 with 40 06 and replace 58 02 with B0 04
(4:3) 2048x1536 - Replace 20 03 with 00 08 and replace 58 02 with 00 06

Author:  kleinert86 [ 03 May 2009, 10:23 ]
Post subject:  Crazy Taxi (pc)

thanks a lot :D

the stretching looks bad. But since my monitor has a native resolution of 2048x1152 the 4:3 resolution i could use best would be 1536x1152.
Correct me if I'm wrong ;)

What would i have to put in the file to get that resolution?

thanks again

Author:  BooTx [ 03 May 2009, 11:10 ]
Post subject:  Crazy Taxi (pc)

For 1536x1152 you would replace 20 03 with 00 06 and replace 58 02 with 80 04.

Good luck.

Author:  kleinert86 [ 03 May 2009, 20:25 ]
Post subject:  Crazy Taxi (pc)

it kinda worked, but it still got stretched :(

so i think im gonna stick to the highest standard resolution.
but thanks anyway :)

Author:  BooTx [ 04 May 2009, 02:03 ]
Post subject:  Crazy Taxi (pc)

Do you mean it still stretches across the monitor? If you can't get pillarboxing to work, this tutorial might be able to help you out.


^--- Copy/Paste

Author:  kleinert86 [ 04 May 2009, 11:41 ]
Post subject:  Crazy Taxi (pc)

I already knew and my monitor also supports 1:1 pixelmapping but I
dont know why it didn't work out. I'll keep on trying.
I haven't tried forcing pixelmapping through the driver though -
I'll try that.

Again thanks for the effort ;)

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