Widescreen Gaming Forum

Settlers V (Heritage of Kings)
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Author:  Mikaelh [ 03 Apr 2010, 13:24 ]
Post subject:  Settlers V (Heritage of Kings)


I just bought Heritage of Kings and I wanna play it in 1680x1050. I've been googling around, looking around in the game folder and so on and I havn't found a solution even though I've spent the better part of the day searching. -_-

I registered to this site only because of this. I've been looking here before, though, for solutions to other games (and almost always found a solution, thanks!)

Can anyone help? :)

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 04 Apr 2010, 17:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Settlers V (Heritage of Kings)

Hmm, tricky.

Display settings are saved in binary format in:
DocumentsHeritage of Kings - The SettlersDataGDB.bin
...but hex edits don't stick and setting the file to Read-only doesn't help. :?

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