Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2011, 09:42 

Joined: 17 Mar 2011, 17:32
Posts: 4
As the topic name says, I have usuall problem with AC:Brotherhood on my non-WS monitor. Two black stripes are so damn annoying and disturbing. :( In case of AC II I have just selected 1280x720 resolution and screen automatically jumped to full screen. Now it doesnt matter which resolution I use. There are always the same black stripes. I have already tried old FOV hack for AC 1, but game obviously crashed.

Is there any chance of fixing this except playing on WS monitor? Thx in advance.


PostPosted: 18 Mar 2011, 21:48 

Joined: 09 Jan 2011, 19:02
Posts: 166
Run the game in windowed mode. As far as I know you can switch between full screen and windowed in DirectX 10 and up by pressing alt+enter. If Brotherhood runs in DirectX 9, then I don't know how to force windowed mode since I think there was no option to do so in the first or second games.

PostPosted: 18 Mar 2011, 22:28 

Joined: 17 Mar 2011, 17:32
Posts: 4
Run the game in windowed mode. As far as I know you can switch between full screen and windowed in DirectX 10 and up by pressing alt+enter. If Brotherhood runs in DirectX 9, then I don't know how to force windowed mode since I think there was no option to do so in the first or second games.

Thx for reply! But I have not even managed to run it in windowed mode. I tried all options in "properties" of exe file but it has alway ran at fullscreen.

P.S. I am using Win 7 32-bit and DX10 GPU.

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2011, 08:44 

Joined: 25 Mar 2011, 08:26
Posts: 3
hey there...

i have a 32" widescreen TV... everyone who ever seen such a big screen know how big it is compared to 19 20 22 even 24 screens..

thing is the FOV does not change according to the size of the screen, which means if the 19 20 22 and 32 screens have the same resolution they will get the same picture, and that is very sad.. that's why we change the FOV , right? ... so we can get respective pictures to the respective screens...

this game is awesome, i just love it, i stop everything in my life just to play this game, but i am disappointed, i need to change the fov, and seriously i just cant believe i can't change it.. enough of this shit, i have a big screen and i need a FOV which correspond to size of my tv, just like it corresponds when someone have 3 screens..

and then i found the old ac1fovhack, already tried it, doesnt work on acbh, game crashes... please anyone who can do this magic hack please please please please do this hack...

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2011, 11:59 
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Joined: 06 Mar 2008, 17:20
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thing is the FOV does not change according to the size of the screen, which means if the 19 20 22 and 32 screens have the same resolution they will get the same picture, and that is very sad.. that's why we change the FOV , right? ... so we can get respective pictures to the respective screens...
Not really. Bigger panels let you see bigger 3D objects and more detail, but regardless of the size if the apsect ratio is the same, so is the FOV.


I see your point though, but Racer_S made a FOV hack for AC1 because Surround gaming was unsupported. Memory hacking and hack programming seem to be pretty tedious tasks, so why would anyone bother working on a tool for a game that has OK support for all aspect ratios - a tool that would furthermore be rendered obsolete by any official patch ? :?

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