Widescreen Gaming Forum

XCOM: Enemy Unknown 2012 - inverted view at 5760x1080
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Author:  Honza [ 25 Sep 2012, 14:26 ]
Post subject:  XCOM: Enemy Unknown 2012 - inverted view at 5760x1080

I just installed the XCOM: Enemy Unknown demo and it seems that in high resolutions such as 5760x1080 it seems that the screen is in some parts reverted:

and it's even in menu: http://bayimg.com/OaDffaAeA

at first I thought it some sort of copy protection but it's a free demo...

Btw. in resolution like 1920x1080 it is just fine - not inverted.

Any ideas?

P.S. There is also an original XCOM: Enemy Unknown from 1994 but it is not what I mean...

Attached files

Author:  zarthrag [ 27 Sep 2012, 00:58 ]
Post subject:  I can confirm this, 2x Radeon

I can confirm this, 2x Radeon 6950s has inverted view, w&w/o crossfire.

Author:  Toothless Spoon [ 27 Sep 2012, 05:28 ]
Post subject:  Yeah I can confirm this

Yeah I can confirm this also...it actually appears that it might work in 5760x1080 if it wasn't upside-down :P

Author:  Daimond [ 27 Sep 2012, 13:33 ]
Post subject:  Same thing, running 2 dh

Same upside down setup, a few times it went right side up when they exiting ship though. I run 2x 5850 Black Editions. I am hoping its cuase its a demo and will change for release.

Author:  Skid [ 27 Sep 2012, 14:52 ]
Post subject:  I wonder if the FoV is set as

I wonder if the FoV is set as an signed char, that would make any FoV higher then 127 become a negative value, that's the only explanation I can think of for the fact the closer up ingame cutscreens render the right way around.

Author:  majorwitty [ 30 Sep 2012, 19:17 ]
Post subject:  XCOM : Enemy Uknown

Anyone able to play demo without issues?

I launched game and changed to Fullscreen 5760 x 1080 then went into mission. The game is upside down.

Full image of soldiers upside down

Image preview

Author:  Toothless Spoon [ 09 Oct 2012, 08:12 ]
Post subject:  Just loaded up the release

Just loaded up the release and it appears to still be inverted...hope the brilliant minds can fix this.

Author:  moedown [ 09 Oct 2012, 17:12 ]
Post subject:  I bet hayden is on it...

I'm betting we will see a module added for it in Flawless Widescreen within 48 hours ;)

Author:  sschrupp [ 10 Oct 2012, 14:48 ]
Post subject:  Same thing here with the

Same thing here with the release version. Eyefinity 3x1 setup and it renders upside down.

It's funny because the main screen before starting a game I thought it was really cool that the view was up a wrecked car and that my viewpoint was upside down like I was a victim of the accident and that it was scary that there was an alien skittering around while I was incapacitated. Of course then when I tried starting a game and it was still upside down I realized it wasn't as cool as I thought... lol.

It's odd though because the game is upside down but the interface is oriented correctly.

Author:  Madawg [ 12 Oct 2012, 09:21 ]
Post subject:  UFO Enemy Unknown

Its upside down in 5760x1080 Nvidia Surround...hope Heydan can fix this.

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