Widescreen Gaming Forum

Multi-monitor Skyrim with SkyUI/Finishing Moves?
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Author:  thepregnantgod [ 10 Nov 2012, 13:50 ]
Post subject:  Multi-monitor Skyrim with SkyUI/Finishing Moves?

First post, so thanks for all your help in advance.

I recently decided to load Skyrim on my VA2431 (24") x3 multimonitor setup. I have GTX570x3 powering them. I've installed Hayden's fix for Widescreen Gaming and am getting decent FPS in Skyrim as well.

However, I have two questions:

How do I fix it so the SKYUI interface mod actually works on multimonitor?
Second, when I do a finishing move (i.e. assassination) it zooms in so much that I can't see it. Is there a fix for that?

Author:  GregR [ 09 Dec 2012, 02:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-monitor Skyrim with SkyUI/Finishing Moves?

In regards to SkyUI, can you elaborate what you mean by getting it so it "actually works"? What is it doing? Is it not displaying an interface at all? Is it enlarging things to where you only see a little portion of it? Something else?

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