Widescreen Gaming Forum

Fallout: New Vegas - Mouse Y/X sensitivity
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Author:  Amon Amarth [ 31 Aug 2013, 09:46 ]
Post subject:  Fallout: New Vegas - Mouse Y/X sensitivity

Upon getting the game to work as per the directions on the detailed thread, I noticed that the mouse sensitivity for menus is very wonky. It seems that the x-axis is way more sensitive than the Y, and feels really awkward as a result. Kind of like the Metro mouse bug, except using my mouse software to correct that would make the in-game mouse wonky as well.

Anyone encounter this, and if so, did you find any fox for it?

Author:  Bogga [ 21 Nov 2013, 21:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout: New Vegas - Mouse Y/X sensitivity

I got it working after making these changes in all three ini-files...

bBackground Mouse=1
bBackground Keyboard=1

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