Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 15 Nov 2013, 18:10 

Joined: 01 Sep 2010, 11:38
Posts: 516
Hey kids,

Well I picked up this game because I thought it looked cool - I'll reserve my judgement when I've played a bit more of the game. It was developed by the same guys that bought us Painkiller - you be the judge of whether that's a good or bad thing.

Anyway, The game is Vert-, but the menu's/cut-scenes/reticle are all centred and scale correctly. I started a thread on Steam:

http://steamcommunity.com/app/231330/di ... 742840043/

It's the usual Unreal engine affair, so I started with the usual edits:

The ADVEngine.ini (Located in Mydocs\mygames\Deadfall Adventures\ADVGame\config\..)



Change to


So that makes the game scale to the proper aspect ratio - and it looks good, but then you get your guns out :/ Another common problem our community faces in the weapon/hand scaling. As you can see the weapons and notepad etc don't scale well at all.

So the guns/compass/notebook don't scale - they are all zoomed :/ Which usually means its a job for the big wiggs Helfiax/Hayden/Dopefish and whoever is smarter/better than me really :P BUT this game comes with a nifty little config ADVWeapons.ini and in it I found this:

ZoomedMeshFOV=0 <---change this to 120 (more or less if you want)

Presto, it worked! So now the guns/compass/and notebook scale :) The is the issue of having to zoom said items in first, but after that it appears to stick - not sure whether it will stay that way after an area load, but it would just require zooming in again. It's far from perfect, but I'm a simple man, with simple tools. There is probably a setting that can be adjusted to perhaps forgo the zooming in bit - but at the end of the day I don't want to mess around with too much :)

Head to that thread to show support and/or see screens.

2013-11-16_00021.jpg [ 1.16 MiB | Viewed 2183 times ]
2013-11-16_00016.jpg [ 1.33 MiB | Viewed 2223 times ]

起死回生 (kishi kaisei) Wake from death and return to life..

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