Widescreen Gaming Forum

Contrast: Multi-monitor support - Edit required
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Author:  Toothless Spoon [ 15 Nov 2013, 18:23 ]
Post subject:  Contrast: Multi-monitor support - Edit required


Well another Unreal engine game and yet another console port. I'll keep this brief - the game scales Vert- and doesn't include any FOV options in game to rectify that - so after editing the ContrastEngine.ini (Located in Mydocs\mygames\contrast\Contrastgame\config\..)



Change to


That makes the game pretty playable, not perfect, but playable. The menu's and prompts are either on the left or right hand monitor - but it doesn't seem to game effected to try and change. The in game cut-scenes are centred which is nice.

I tried to do the old bindings=fov 120 etc in the input file, but it doesn't seem to work - the only reason I wanted to do this, is because I've changed the aspect ratio to scale to Y instead of X, it can give a little fish-eyed effect, and in places the camera can get a little crazy zooming in and out (camera padding).

So there you have it! I haven't played a lot of the game, so I don't know how well this will hold up, with the mentioned camera padding etc. But fingers crossed that it's all good.

File comment: Before
2013-11-16_00003.jpg [ 638.06 KiB | Viewed 1558 times ]
File comment: After
2013-11-16_00005.jpg [ 641.83 KiB | Viewed 1547 times ]

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