Widescreen Gaming Forum

Jackfuste fixes have gone...
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Author:  Cygnus [ 16 Jul 2015, 19:33 ]
Post subject:  Jackfuste fixes have gone...

I've noticed that several (perhaps all?) of the fixes that Jackfuste have made for games are ending in a 'page not found' result.

It would be a great shame to lose these because they are some of the most effective and simple solutions on the site.

Can they be restored?

I'd also like to suggest a Jackfuste section can be made in the the Game Tools / Software List, in the same way as Racer_S hacks are listed.

And if anyone has a collection/one of the fixes please link them so others can archive them.


Author:  jackfuste [ 16 Jul 2015, 21:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jackfuste fixes have gone...

Cygnus wrote:
I've noticed that several (perhaps all?) of the fixes that Jackfuste have made for games are ending in a 'page not found' result.

It would be a great shame to lose these because they are some of the most effective and simple solutions on the site.

Can they be restored?

I'd also like to suggest a Jackfuste section can be made in the the Game Tools / Software List, in the same way as Racer_S hacks are listed.

As soon redirection from FTP server will work, all links will be available.
Cygnus wrote:
And if anyone has a collection/one of the fixes please link them so others can archive them.


Author:  Cygnus [ 16 Jul 2015, 22:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jackfuste fixes have gone...

Your replies are as effective and simple as your game fixes :D

Many thanks for your hard work in creating them.

Author:  Strata [ 13 Nov 2015, 17:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jackfuste fixes have gone...

It looks like this link no longer works. I was wondering if there was an updated link or possibly Cygnus could send me the files he has.

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