Widescreen Gaming Forum

Elite Force 2
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Author:  Cygnus [ 09 Dec 2015, 23:43 ]
Post subject:  Elite Force 2

I'd like to request an eyefinity/surround solution for the cinematics and if possible the menus for Elite Force 2.

I know it's an old game but it's a good one. I'm trying to play at 5040x1050 or above.

As you can see on the detailed report the cut-scenes are vert- to an extreme degree on eyefinity/surround.
This is also the case with the ingame menus. I can live with hud anomalies, but since it is a story driven fps it's a shame not to be able to see the cut-scenes correctly.

The game engine is based on amodified version of Quake III: Team Arena, for which ID have released the source code.

My guess is the solution lies somewhere inside the games following files?


Any help would be appreciated :)

Author:  jackfuste [ 14 Dec 2015, 16:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Elite Force 2

Cygnus wrote:
I'd like to request an eyefinity/surround solution for the cinematics and if possible the menus for Elite Force 2.

I know it's an old game but it's a good one. I'm trying to play at 5040x1050 or above.

As you can see on the detailed report the cut-scenes are vert- to an extreme degree on eyefinity/surround.
This is also the case with the ingame menus. I can live with hud anomalies, but since it is a story driven fps it's a shame not to be able to see the cut-scenes correctly.

The game engine is based on amodified version of Quake III: Team Arena, for which ID have released the source code.

My guess is the solution lies somewhere inside the games following files?


Any help would be appreciated :)

- Cut-scenes Hor+
- Main menu does not cropped

Star_Trek_Elite_Force_II.7z [1.64 MiB]
Downloaded 460 times

Author:  Cygnus [ 14 Dec 2015, 19:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Elite Force 2

Just tested it and it looks great. Cut-scenes are perfect.

I'm going to enjoy playing it across 3 screens :D

Thank you!

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