Widescreen Gaming Forum

Launching Nioh on the secondary screen: is it possible?
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Author:  buegrasso [ 16 Nov 2017, 18:06 ]
Post subject:  Launching Nioh on the secondary screen: is it possible?

Hi there,
I tried in every way launching the game on my secondary monitor, that actually is a Sony Bravia 46" TV. I literally tried everything, but with no luck.

- no setting on the game
- no value on the config file
- Win+Shift+Left/Right is totally ignored
- I also tried software like Display Fusion to force the game on the secondary screen, but it keeps returning to the main screen no matter what.

The only way I can do it is by changing the secondary screen to primary, but since I mostly work on this PC it's very frustrating for me to keep switching the main screen and the secondary screen every time I open (and close) Nioh. There must be another way, this would be the first time EVER I can't manage to launch a game on the secondary screen...

Anyone? Thanks a lot! :hide:

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