Widescreen Gaming Forum

Injustice 2 - Native but flawed Ultra-Wide support
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Author:  lohan [ 14 Jan 2018, 15:54 ]
Post subject:  Injustice 2 - Native but flawed Ultra-Wide support

The first Injustice Gods Among Us game didn't have native support for Ultra-Wide but was turned Ultra-Wide and multi-monitor ready by Hayden's great Flawless-Widescreen-Fixer! Just like Mortal Kombat X those Super-moves and Fatalities rendered on all three monitors giving you way more to look at than a single-display could give you were a sight to behold!

The new Injustice 2 game has native Ultra-Wide/Multi-monitor support which seems like a good thing at first glance. Unfortunately the highlight of all those games (Mortal Kombat 9, Mortal Kombat X, Injustice Gods Among Us) in Ultra-Wide are the Super-Moves/Fatalities where you get to see way more than what is rendered when looking at a single screen. When doing a super-move in Injustice 2 both side monitors are blacked out and the super move is exclusively displayed on the center-monitor.

Is there any chance to get this fixed so the super-moves are displayed on all three monitors?

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