Widescreen Gaming Forum

Krater (Triple Monitors / Eyefinity / Surround) [~4K]
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Author:  Cat Toaster [ 13 Jun 2012, 16:34 ]
Post subject:  Krater (Triple Monitors / Eyefinity / Surround) [~4K]

Here´s a video of the brandnew Indie-Release "Krater" Top-Down-Action-RPG that came out just yesterday. Awesome Crossfire-Scaling and Eyefinity-Support!


Watch on Youtube in "Original" Quality and "Fullscreen" if you can. The video is showing the first 22 Minutes of playing the game without any comments or cuts.

Author:  Toothless Spoon [ 14 Jun 2012, 06:08 ]
Post subject:  Good work Cat toaster! Loving

Good work Cat toaster! Loving this game people! It's only 15$ and they dev's are constantly improving the game...and have mentioned possible UI changes in the future. It's a great alternative to D3 and while you wait for torchlight 2 as well.

Author:  Cat Toaster [ 14 Jun 2012, 15:55 ]
Post subject:  Thank you! I really like the

Thank you! I really like the game. I´d rate a much higher than Diablo 3. Another Krater-Patch (1.2) is scheduled for today. However I´m lucky and found no game-breaking things yet in four hours of playtime.

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