Widescreen Gaming Forum

Eyefinity Gameplay, Wallpaper, Tech, Hobbies, etc...
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Author:  Sir.Brent [ 09 Aug 2013, 21:55 ]
Post subject:  Eyefinity Gameplay, Wallpaper, Tech, Hobbies, etc...

Hello all WSGF users,

I've recently started a Youtube channel dedicated to Eyefinity gaming, I've also started a blog for various different things including Eyefinity Gameplay, Wallpaper, Tech, Hobbies, etc... I'll be adding more and more stuff everyday and I'd like some feedback or perhaps some submissions to my blog, which would be great to help me expand. So check it out!

My Blog: http://brentjansma.blogspot.ca/
My Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/ItsCrazyShit

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