Widescreen Gaming Forum

Fallout 4: The triple monitor experience so far...
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Author:  Shredder Steve [ 16 Nov 2015, 05:45 ]
Post subject:  Fallout 4: The triple monitor experience so far...

Hello everyone! Thanks for all of your help in the forums! This video is possible thanks to your hard work and dedication with those .ini files.

Initial inpressions:

Author:  Shredder Steve [ 26 Nov 2015, 07:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout 4: The triple monitor experience so far...

Please see part 2 below, for more triple screen action! I have also upgraded my center screen to a LG UM57 21 x 9 monitor, for some ultra wide adventures!

I would love to hear your thoughts on fallout 4 so far, let me know in the comments or in the forum below!

Author:  Shredder Steve [ 18 Jan 2016, 09:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout 4: The triple monitor experience so far...

So at long last we reach the conclusion! Join me for a few minutes to check out Liberty Prime obliterate the Institute!

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