Fot those who are interested, yesterday i finaly found a proper review (still only 3 pages) of the Club 3d MST display hub.
Its from a (dutch) site i read daily: paste in google translate for the few who cant read dutch?)
The conlusion is that it does what Club 3D promisses
(there is even a Club 3D representitive answering questions from readers in the article reactions section)
One of their conlucions is that laptop owners with a dp1.2 VGA card have no problem adding 3 monitors on top of the laptop screen... try carrying that around hehehe
I for one never thought of my laptop but instead am dreaming of a 5x1 portrait gaming setup for so long now.
With a 6970 i know that the eye candy cant be maxed out, and to prevent tearing i need 2 hubs at about 100 euro's a piece.
And for a crossfire setup we need de v2 of the micro stutter prevention catalyst driver, which isnt out yet...
Not to mention the dilemma of waiting for a Radeon HD9000 rumoured to launch in a couple of months