Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 16 Jun 2011, 15:11 

Joined: 07 Mar 2011, 21:39
Posts: 44
So I've got a weird situation when my eyefinity setup that I finally solved last night. I've got a Raedon HD 5770, running the newest version of Catalyst (I think 11.4 or something?). I have three Dell 1909w monitors. The left and right are hooked up via DVI, the center is connected via VGA and a passive adapter to the DisplayPort on the 5770 card.

Anyway, about 60-70% of the time when I'd setup the monitors and then did bezel compensation, the vga monitor (center one) would "drop" about a centimeter. I would get a black bar at the top, and then bottom of the screen would not be visible... it was pushed off the bottom. The monitor's built in menus would be fine, but the computer would push everything down a little bit.

Sometimes when I would reboot it would fix itself, sometimes when I would unplug and plug in the vga cable from the monitor it would fix itself. Sometimes it wouldn't even drop. It was frustrating because whenever something would happen and the monitor group would be broken I'd have to re-add the group and then spend a while trying to fix this.

A couple of days ago I upgraded to a new computer, now I'm running Windows 7 instead of Vista. Now it happens 90% of the time, and rebooting or unplugging/replugging the cable fixes it almost never.

Well, to make a long story perhaps a bit shorter, I was messing around in the monitor menu and found an option to "auto adjust." This option is only available for this monitor when it is using a VGA cable. Sure enough, one hit of the button and everything snapped back into place instantly.

Of the hours of frustration I could have saved had I discovered this first!! If anyone else experiences this, check and see if your vga monitor has an autoadjust option.


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