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HD 5870X2 support eyefinity?
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Author:  Darthdingo [ 11 Oct 2009, 19:03 ]
Post subject:  HD 5870X2 support eyefinity?

I really think the 5870X2 will support Eyefinity in the near future. That would be so silly to have a bad ass card like that or even Crossifre and not have it work for triple screen gaming for ATI's hottest new feature "Eyefinity" ?

We need more horse power if we ever want to run 3 - 30" Displays at 7680x1600res, one single 5870 will NOT do that.

I bet the 9.11 or 9.12 drivers open it up. Or which ever drivers ship with the 5870X2, and will be one of these

Author:  BHawthorne [ 11 Oct 2009, 21:53 ]
Post subject:  HD 5870X2 support eyefinity?

You can extrapolate from previous communication that EyeFinity will have CrossFire capability in the future, hence the 5870X2 will work in the future. When that future is, is anyone's guess.

It's standard practice for unreleased products to not be spoken about though non-formal marketing channels. You're not going to get a definitive answer to this until it's on the shelves at a store and AMD has lifted the NDA on the product.

Author:  Octoboy [ 12 Oct 2009, 13:32 ]
Post subject:  HD 5870X2 support eyefinity?

When that future is, is anyone's guess.

Pretty annoying. How hard can it be, seriously, to estimate how long it's gonna take to implement a very basic but neccessary feature? They've been showing off Eyefinity ever since early September. Now we're nearing mid October, and they still can't at least predict(!) when EF will support CF?

Sorry I sound so immature, but this really angers me.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 12 Oct 2009, 13:39 ]
Post subject:  HD 5870X2 support eyefinity?

To add some extra perspective...

When Matrox first released the TripleHead2Go, would you have been able to estimate when they sorted out Bezel Management? From what I remember, it took Matrox ages.

Author:  Octoboy [ 12 Oct 2009, 18:00 ]
Post subject:  HD 5870X2 support eyefinity?

I think what angers me the most is that ATI don't decide on what role EF should play.
On the one hand, they promote it as THE gaming revolution, offering triple head gaming to a larger user group. EF = something special.
On the other hand, they reduce it to a mere bonus to the card, "don't blame us if it's not perfect, it's just a free extra you get with that card". EF=nothing special.

So, while they care enough to launch a press release on an aircraft carrier, showing off their new technology, they still lack the effort to tread EF as a full time project.

Author:  Dave Baumann [ 12 Oct 2009, 18:47 ]
Post subject:  HD 5870X2 support eyefinity?

Octoboy, I don't see that as being the case at all. Just because we can't give you an answer on everything right now doesn't mean that its not a major focus for us, but of course, work on everything else doesn't stop for this facet.

One of the mandates for Catalyst being released every month was to provide regular performance, compatibility and feature improvements for users of our GPU's. With the capabilities that we have at the moment that last point, features, has actually been one of the weaker points over the past year or so. Eyefinity is really one of those technologies where it does open a lot more feature scope to continually bring in our driver updates.

Author:  thenjwaslike [ 13 Oct 2009, 09:00 ]
Post subject:  HD 5870X2 support eyefinity?

"just lost my job, need money.
will work for active adapters,
need to support a family of 3 lcds for eyefinity"

man ppl need to learn how to save money and stop being picky.

Author:  l88bastard [ 13 Oct 2009, 21:52 ]
Post subject:  HD 5870X2 support eyefinity?

I think what angers me the most is that ATI don't decide on what role EF should play.
On the one hand, they promote it as THE gaming revolution, offering triple head gaming to a larger user group. EF = something special.
On the other hand, they reduce it to a mere bonus to the card, "don't blame us if it's not perfect, it's just a free extra you get with that card". EF=nothing special.

So, while they care enough to launch a press release on an aircraft carrier, showing off their new technology, they still lack the effort to tread EF as a full time project.

And that is a shame, because as far as I see it, Eyefinity is the only thing really differentiating them from Nvidia right now. I like the green machine, but if you solve my PLP tripple monitor setup then you have my business. If not then why would I jump over to their card.

Its frustrating that they have an awesome idea, but that they dont have it all the way!

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 14 Oct 2009, 11:49 ]
Post subject:  HD 5870X2 support eyefinity?

A large part of that is still the idea that EyeFinity (or any triple-screen action) is still high-end, and thus of potentially limited appeal. I'd be interested in knowing just how many people have taken nVidia up on their '3D gaming' thing with the glasses. :)

Regardless, mixed signals aren't a good thing, I agree. :)

Author:  Mesh [ 15 Oct 2009, 06:17 ]
Post subject:  HD 5870X2 support eyefinity?

One of the mandates for Catalyst being released every month was to provide regular performance, compatibility and feature improvements for users of our GPU's.

Not to sidetrack the thread or anything, but could you maybe put a word in to the Catalyst team to make driver updates not so time consuming? They're about the most often updated software on any gaming rig yet every time it's a major hassle.

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