Octoboy, I don't see that as being the case at all. Just because we can't give you an answer on everything right now doesn't mean that its not a major focus for us, but of course, work on everything else doesn't stop for this facet.
One of the mandates for Catalyst being released every month was to provide regular performance, compatibility and feature improvements for users of our GPU's. With the capabilities that we have at the moment that last point, features, has actually been one of the weaker points over the past year or so. Eyefinity is really one of those technologies where it does open a lot more feature scope to continually bring in our driver updates.
Guys, if you read into his answer there is a hint as to the answer to the question. On a monthly basis Catalyst drivers are released. You can extrapolate that EyeFinity + CrossFire will coincide with one of those monthly Catalyst updates. So at the earliest 1 month from now and the latest X months... :wink: