It is important to note the part number / firmware revisions of the adapters (which is why we list them). The validation that we put into it has resulted in firmware changes on the adapter side and some earlier ones may not be at the latest firmware rev.
I noticed the part number / firmware revisions of the adapters.
But if the whole validation process was put in to place so end users can check to see what products have been Validated, Tested. How would say a end user like me check to see if the Adapter I would be getting is the right part/firmware. If I type in those part numbers and firmware. I'll I get is what looks to be firmware release notes printed in Korean or Chinese.
for Instance I type in part number Accell B087B-002B . It directs you to the various places you can buy the product. Amazon for example. You can see that someone has had a problem already in the user reviews for that part number . The same part number that has been listed as validated.
Type in Bizlink KS10008-131 , Nothing except a pdf file printed in Korean.
It just seams like it would be useful if the AMD validation page would list or show the methods used to determine that you are in fact getting the correct firmware revision.
Unless I'm missing something. If I am I stand corrected.