Widescreen Gaming Forum

ATI Eyefinity special report
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Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 12 Sep 2009, 07:08 ]
Post subject:  ATI Eyefinity special report

A question for GA, if you can.

Does EF do the 'snap window to monitor edge' like you can do with TH2go? I have my email on the left, web browser/current work in centre, various on the right.

Wish I could answer that definitively, but I can't. Only the 3x2 setup was running a regular Windows desktop, and since I was so focused on the gaming displays I neglected to think of that while I was there. I can only say that while I watched a couple of people using the desktop display I didn't notice any obvious edge-snapping feature, but I'm just basing that on my memory of watching them drag some windows around.

That functionality might exist, and ATI would be wise to incorporate it if they have not already, but should it be absent from the EF feature list you can probably regain most or all of the capabilities you want from one of the various freeware desktop enhancement tools available online. If you are interested, now or later, I can probably spam-up some links for you pretty quick.

Dates are shown as Rev 03 7/13/2009 and Rev 15 8/27/2009:

...and I must say that "Made in Canada" is the last thing I expected to see written on a computer component. Well, not THE last thing. That would be "Made in the United States". ;)

Author:  Andrew_McP [ 12 Sep 2009, 07:22 ]
Post subject:  ATI Eyefinity special report

Thanks for the great report. This looks very promising indeed, especially as I've been trying to convince myself I can justify a 295GTX to replace my 260GTX which struggles sometimes at 5040x1050 (and always if I try x4fsaa!)

This may be the first time I've *ever* been tempted to pay first wave prices for a piece of hardware. Usually I'm happy to wait and let others iron the wrinkles out of the hardware and absorb the bleeding edge financial hit.

Interesting times, especially for anyone who remembers the 9700Pro fondly and has been waiting for something similarly impressive to come along from ATI. The reported power consumption and performance looks almost too good to be true... which I guess should be a reason not to get *too* carried away yet. :-)

Andrew McP

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 12 Sep 2009, 07:38 ]
Post subject:  ATI Eyefinity special report

If you are interested, now or later, I can probably spam-up some links for you pretty quick.
Cheers and thanks for a great report.
...and I must say that "Made in Canada" is the last thing I expected to see written on a computer component. Well, not THE last thing. That would be "Made in the United States". ;)
ROFL, try Made In New Zealand!

Author:  NZCoyote [ 12 Sep 2009, 08:01 ]
Post subject:  ATI Eyefinity special report

ROFL, try Made In New Zealand!

Isn't that code for made in Taiwan, China, Sweatshop

Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 12 Sep 2009, 08:06 ]
Post subject:  ATI Eyefinity special report

[quote]ROFL, try Made In New Zealand!

Isn't that code for made in Taiwan, China, Sweatshop
Unless it's wool...or AWESOME LOTR MOVIES! :w00t

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 12 Sep 2009, 08:12 ]
Post subject:  ATI Eyefinity special report

LOL, don't forget Fighter Pilots!

Author:  Mesh [ 12 Sep 2009, 09:04 ]
Post subject:  ATI Eyefinity special report

Maybe I'm just jaded to the lack of content many promises from both ati and nvidia ended up getting in real-use (who here remembers tessalation, bonus points for an actual game use of it).

Right now my stance is that my next gpu is most likely to be from Intel.

It could be wishful thinking to have such a position of course.

But maybe a 3rd player could force both current teams to stop price-fixing (which they both got away with and hardly anyone noticed).

To actually fix things with the multiple drivers revisions they do.
Instead of removing features, adding crashes and generally not helping much except saying 'see we released a new shiny thing!'.

But most of all, to actually get a game running with:
- FSAA 100% of the time
- proper driver-native custom resolution support without false fails
- actual benefit to multi-gpu configurations

and without:
- frame stuttering
- vsync half-performance
- a driver service reset the display randomly for no reason
- add 2in black bars all around for lack of proper digital scaling
- blank the display by sending 1-2Hz more than 60Hz to a flatpanel
or any other non-sense that I've have from both ati and nvidia in past cards.

Author:  whismerhill [ 12 Sep 2009, 11:41 ]
Post subject:  ATI Eyefinity special report


would like to answer but it's a post that will carry away from the subject which is eyefinity

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 12 Sep 2009, 13:16 ]
Post subject:  ATI Eyefinity special report

If you're talking about the XPlane display remember that is Linux. I didn't see any multi-card Eyefinity displays running Windows. Of course, sync would still be an issue, just with a Microsoft flavor.

Yeah, but considering that ATi's linux drivers have, in the past, sucked balls... any limitations on the Windows platform I would suspect is coming out of Microsoft and DirectX.

[quote]A question for GA, if you can.

Does EF do the 'snap window to monitor edge' like you can do with TH2go? I have my email on the left, web browser/current work in centre, various on the right.

Wish I could answer that definitively, but I can't. Only the 3x2 setup was running a regular Windows desktop, and since I was so focused on the gaming displays I neglected to think of that while I was there. I can only say that while I watched a couple of people using the desktop display I didn't notice any obvious edge-snapping feature, but I'm just basing that on my memory of watching them drag some windows around.

That functionality might exist, and ATI would be wise to incorporate it if they have not already, but should it be absent from the EF feature list you can probably regain most or all of the capabilities you want from one of the various freeware desktop enhancement tools available online. If you are interested, now or later, I can probably spam-up some links for you pretty quick.
Might be quicker to collect a bunch of questions up and e-mail someone in ATi, GA. Since you were reporting on the event, they might answer your questions. ;)

Author:  Mesh [ 12 Sep 2009, 17:48 ]
Post subject:  ATI Eyefinity special report


would like to answer but it's a post that will carry away from the subject which is eyefinity

Then I guess an op could move the reply to a new thread, seemed appropriate to me here seeing as eyefinity is part of the next gen for ati.

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