Widescreen Gaming Forum

Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?
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Author:  Tamlin [ 10 Oct 2009, 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

If you have anything more to say over the general support of Linux then I'm not convinced that this is the forum for it.

Thats true. This is not the place for general Linux discussions nor general ATI discussions. Eyefinity for Linux can be discussed here though.

... Focus on making Eyefinity the best it can be and don't spoil it for others by making them answer for everything else not related.

Sorry mate, I know this is your forum and I want to assure you that Eyefinity for Linux was my primary motivation in asking any questions. If you more carefully review my posts I think you will realize that.

(snip to make it shorter) :)

] Anwyay, I'm done so don't worry I wont post anymore and I wont give Dave or Sunspot any more of a hard time. You guys can now continue to ask about active adapters to your hearts content.


Please don't misunderstand. :) As I said, Eyefinity for Linux belongs here. I was refering to the offtopic questions (general linux) and other off topics not posted by you.

Though there are most windows users here, Linux and Mac questions are just as valid, so fire away with as much questions as you wish regarding Eyefinity on any platform. You are most welcome to post as much as you can regarding this. Especially since there are not that much Linux tripleheaders, so you can do the linux community much good by asking questions here about Eyefinity! Please don't stop doing that! :cheers

I'm just afraid of getting a storm of questions to Dave and Sunspot about every other issue people might have with ATI besides Eyefinity.

Author:  l88bastard [ 11 Oct 2009, 05:29 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

Mod edit: Post deleted. Reason: extremely flaming.

This is your one warning.

Author:  Jimmmy [ 11 Oct 2009, 07:46 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

Yeah man this is no way to approach the obstacles we are speaking of.. I mean really unless you are an engineer working under the construction and creation of Eyefinity you really have no business making demands about the technology..

The fact of the matter remains that this is a great addition to the gaming community and if you were running TH2GO Matrox, your life just got a lot less complicated.. I mean honestly it takes me 3 video cards to run my current setup, and the thought of 1 video card to do it all even if Eyefinity isn't supported on a PLP 4960X1600 setup is still VERY appealing.. Less power consumption, frees up my mobo, powerful 1 card solution...

To wumba and l88bastard:

This is a discussion where the creators of this technology are sharing their EXTREMELY VALUABLE INPUT and I see absolutely no reason to attack and insult people, because you didn't get your way or hear the answer you wanted... If these guys stop responding because of your internet tantrums we all lose.. Show some class both of you or leave please "seriously"...

To SunSp*t:

" You may not realize it, but you want me to be right and you to be wrong. Think about it."

I don't get it? Right about what? Wrong about what? Think about what? I guess I missed the deep philosophical implications that were embeded in this message can you please clarify what you are trying to say here?

Author:  SunSp*t [ 11 Oct 2009, 13:53 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

" You may not realize it, but you want me to be right and you to be wrong. Think about it."

I don't get it? Right about what? Wrong about what? Think about what? I guess I missed the deep philosophical implications that were embeded in this message can you please clarify what you are trying to say here?

At the birth of any new technology or product, there is a lack of standards, and many flavors of market entries. For example in the early days of the PC market, say 1977 to 1982, there were many PC architectures, all very, very different. The PC market didn't explode until it coalesced around the IBM PC. Interesting things were lost in that event, but it is clear they were non-essential or more usefully implemented in a different way. The same thing was true for automobiles between 1890 and 1907 or thereabouts, when everyone more-or-less coalesced around what Ford had done. Standardization of features enables market expansion.

Use of more than three or more displays is today non-standard - it is more-or-less custom. To make use of three or more displays widespread, some interesting things will have to be lost or addressed differently on the path to a useful but complete set of features. That useful complete subset will become the standard.

From what I can tell, EF does a couple of things which are going to have to be standard if HD immersion is going to take-off:

[list]Use DP as the primary display interface.
Use SLS, with any limitations it may have, for gaming.[/list:u]
Some folks will be unhappy with this, but you have to ask yourselves: do you want widescreen gaming to be the very small niche is currently is forever, or do you want wider adoption of HD visual immersion? I am not delusional that everyone will go out and buy three displays tomorrow, but I do aim to significantly broaden the user base in the short-term for gaming, and massively broaden it among business users. It is my hope this sets up a "positive feedback loop" between business users and gaming users so that in the longer term HD immersion is common for a very large susbset of PC users. Yes, I know this will not happen overnight (and our implementing various features will not happen overnight either)..

You want me to be "right", because in the end that will get you more of what you want. If some of the posters here are correct, the market will never get much bigger, so we should focus the majority of our effort on the the way things are today. I suspect most of you really, really want that to be wrong. You'd really rather have HD immersion much more widely supported than it is today.

Let me put it another way. If we are wrong, the folks here lose nothing. You are no worse off then you were before. If you don't like EF's feature choices or market focus, you can always solve your problems the ways that you already use. However, I believe that repeating what is already done and making that incrementally better is likely to not change the situation much. I fully intend to change the situation a lot.

One last comment, there have been a few recent posts with a tone that I found offensive. C'mon folks - we aren't your enemies. :D


Author:  whismerhill [ 11 Oct 2009, 15:45 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

One last comment, there have been a few recent posts with a tone that I found offensive. C'mon folks - we aren't your enemies. :D


what ? you mean we don't get any XP for talking trash to you guys ? :roll: :wink:

Author:  Tamlin [ 11 Oct 2009, 16:06 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

[quote]One last comment, there have been a few recent posts with a tone that I found offensive. C'mon folks - we aren't your enemies. :D


what ? you mean we don't get any XP for talking trash to you guys ? :roll: :wink:

Nope. Friendly fire is not tolerated. :lol:

Is there any plans on making 5870+Samsung thin bezel screens packages/offers? Something that we see with 3D stereovision+Geforce cards? :)

Author:  Jimmmy [ 11 Oct 2009, 16:14 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

Use of more than three or more displays is today non-standard - it is more-or-less custom. To make use of three or more displays widespread, some interesting things will have to be lost or addressed differently on the path to a useful but complete set of features. That useful complete subset will become the standard.

From what I can tell, EF does a couple of things which are going to have to be standard if HD immersion is going to take-off:

[list]Use DP as the primary display interface.
Use SLS, with any limitations it may have, for gaming.[/list:u]
Some folks will be unhappy with this, but you have to ask yourselves: do you want widescreen gaming to be the very small niche is currently is forever, or do you want wider adoption of HD visual immersion? I am not delusional that everyone will go out and buy three displays tomorrow, but I do aim to significantly broaden the user base in the short-term for gaming, and massively broaden it among business users. It is my hope this sets up a "positive feedback loop" between business users and gaming users so that in the longer term HD immersion is common for a very large susbset of PC users. Yes, I know this will not happen overnight (and our implementing various features will not happen overnight either)..

You want me to be "right", because in the end that will get you more of what you want. If some of the posters here are correct, the market will never get much bigger, so we should focus the majority of our effort on the the way things are today. I suspect most of you really, really want that to be wrong. You'd really rather have HD immersion much more widely supported than it is today.

Let me put it another way. If we are wrong, the folks here lose nothing. You are no worse off then you were before. If you don't like EF's feature choices or market focus, you can always solve your problems the ways that you already use. However, I believe that repeating what is already done and making that incrementally better is likely to not change the situation much. I fully intend to change the situation a lot.

One last comment, there have been a few recent posts with a tone that I found offensive. C'mon folks - we aren't your enemies. :D


Yes I agree with what you are saying and for the long run, I also agree that this technology will enhance WSG for everyone.. It also holds the game creators to a new standard which is also exciting.. When I stand back and separate myself from my current solution and reflect on the overall good you are completely correct and I concur..

The fact is I just don't like the 3 24inch monitors personally (which is what I can afford and implement) compared to the big 30inch in the center and 2 side panels.. Regardless, it's a great breakthrough in which I may or may not embrace in the future.. The 30inch monitor is just really really cool thing to play games on...

Thanks for clarifying....

Author:  Tamlin [ 11 Oct 2009, 16:21 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

The fact is I just don't like the 3 24inch monitors personally (which is what I can afford and implement) compared to the big 30inch in the center and 2 side panels.. Regardless, it's a great breakthrough in which I may or may not embrace in the future.. The 30inch monitor is just really really cool thing to play games on...

Thanks for clarifying....

I agree. 30" center as main gaming screen and 20" satelites for added immersion is a pretty sweet setup. I've seen many in various forums using that setup and are limited to softTH because of this.

Also, adding the capabilities to use various screen sizes makes it easier for every user to try out Eyefinity, since the possibility to use old screens and borrow screens that might have a different size makes it cheaper. :)

With this, I think the adoption rate to Eyefinity would be larger. Even for those without any concrete plans of using Eyefinity yet, the wider selection of configurations makes the choice easier to at least buy a card with Eyefinity capabilities. :)

Author:  Dave Baumann [ 11 Oct 2009, 17:48 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

Is there any plans on making 5870+Samsung thin bezel screens packages/offers? Something that we see with 3D stereovision+Geforce cards? :)

Bear in mind that Samsung are not in the market yet, we are however engaged with them in various activities... :)

On one of your earlier posts:

I have tons of questions I would have wanted to ask (other features then Eyefinity), but I don't want to spoil the oportunity we have here, so I don't ask.

Nobody minds questions, and we like to answer them if / when we can. Heck, if there really is a number of questions that many users want to ask then I'd suggest putting a "non-Eyefinity" Q/A sticky up, just so long as people understand that a.) We won't be able to answer everything b.) some may not like the answers that are given, c.) The questions do not become demands.

Author:  Dave Baumann [ 11 Oct 2009, 17:50 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

PS: Stop working already it's the weekend. :)

For those that aren't aware, prior to joining ATI/AMD I used to run the website Beyond3D in my spare time - I do this stuff because I love it it! :)

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