Widescreen Gaming Forum

Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?
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Author:  MustangSVT [ 15 Oct 2009, 15:53 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

Is it just me that thinks Sunsp*t is trying to get credit for "inventing" something that´s already been around for years? A lot of us here have been using multi monitor configurations for a very long time, surround gaming included. Honestly, what´s so new and inventive about Eyefinity?

Better performance, sure. But if that´s the only real news with this I think you could go work for Lamborghini and "invent" the back seat too...

This is my feeling on this too. I'm not referring to Sunsp*t directly, rather I'm referring as to how ATI presented the whole EyeFinity thing at their launch. It seems to me that they're pretending that they're the first ones to offer multi-monitor support. Matrox came out with the Parhelia back in like 2002 or 2003, so this is definetely not new technology.

Author:  thatdude90210 [ 15 Oct 2009, 17:38 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

Aren't they the first to show it being done on 6 monitors or 24, at least first at the consumer level.

Author:  whismerhill [ 15 Oct 2009, 17:54 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

[quote]Is it just me that thinks Sunsp*t is trying to get credit for "inventing" something that´s already been around for years? A lot of us here have been using multi monitor configurations for a very long time, surround gaming included. Honestly, what´s so new and inventive about Eyefinity?

Better performance, sure. But if that´s the only real news with this I think you could go work for Lamborghini and "invent" the back seat too...

This is my feeling on this too. I'm not referring to Sunsp*t directly, rather I'm referring as to how ATI presented the whole EyeFinity thing at their launch. It seems to me that they're pretending that they're the first ones to offer multi-monitor support. Matrox came out with the Parhelia back in like 2002 or 2003, so this is definetely not new technology.
they are the first to offer it, working right out of the box
without any need for tweaking (softTH) or expensive hardware (TH2GO)
so I don't find this any wrong

in any case, everyone knows how marketing is done ...

I would say EyeFinity is definitely a big step... now it just needs a bit more maturation to sort out a few bugs and add features and for the 5870Six to get out !

About Sunsp*t in particular, well I think EF is "his baby", he probably worked hard on it (he was not alone of course...)so I think everyone can understand...

Author:  rbjorn [ 15 Oct 2009, 20:13 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

Yeah I guess for people who hasn´t been around long enough and only know about GeForce and Radeon cards think that this is something new, when in fact Matrox had it working "out of the box" a long time ago just like Mustang said...

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 15 Oct 2009, 20:30 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

I'll agree - the idea of multiple screens is not new.

However, it cannot be said that the Parhelia was a good card for gaming with... particularly when you wanted it to drive three monitors. ;)

Author:  Tamlin [ 15 Oct 2009, 21:40 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

Yeah I guess for people who hasn´t been around long enough and only know about GeForce and Radeon cards think that this is something new, when in fact Matrox had it working "out of the box" a long time ago just like Mustang said...

Its not new, but its a great addition and it does bring new features and choices. :)

The only downside I can see with Eyefinity is the price of the adapter to use it. Otherwise its TH capabilities for consumers and not only enthusiasts.

Even kids can have their friends over, bringing their own screens and they can play games in TH. One don't have to invest in 2 extra screens to enjoy it, specialized hardware additions or be an enthusiast custom building with 2 cards and a softTH setup. All people need is friends and if they don't have any, Eyefinity might be a good reason to get some... :P

A larger userbase for triplehead is great for everyone, regardless if they use TH2GO, softTH or Eyefinity. Better support usually comes with larger userbases and perhaps we'll even see better FOV adjustment capabilities in future games.

:triplewide FTW!

Author:  whismerhill [ 15 Oct 2009, 21:56 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

I'll agree - the idea of multiple screens is not new.

However, it cannot be said that the Parhelia was a good card for gaming with... particularly when you wanted it to drive three monitors. ;)

LOL you mean, all the fuss was about the parhelia ?
that thing which had so much promises yet failed to deliver ?

ho yeah you know guys I invented a piece of paper which allows you to walk on the sun... what ? my piece of paper doesn't work ? ho I know, but at least I had the idea before everyone :lol: :lol: :lol:

parhelia was a failure, let's face it the drivers never delivered (a friend owned one...)
and from launch day its performance was crap

"FAA16x" (not FSAA) quality failed and wasn't even widely compatible

Author:  rbjorn [ 15 Oct 2009, 22:25 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

We´re just saying they shouldn´t tout their own horn too much about "inventing" this stuff, not trying to take away from it being a great product... I agree about the biggest downside at the moment is the lack of available adapters. I´m in Sweden and currently there is nowhere to purchase these from other than the out of stock Dutch site.

Author:  Dave Baumann [ 15 Oct 2009, 23:21 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

We´re just saying they shouldn´t tout their own horn too much about "inventing" this stuff, not trying to take away from it being a great product... I agree about the biggest downside at the moment is the lack of available adapters. I´m in Sweden and currently there is nowhere to purchase these from other than the out of stock Dutch site.

Well, I do have to say that nobody has offered the capability of doing up to 6 simultaneous displays from a single GPU yet - technically neither have we yet, but Sunspot is a planner is is looking at things in a more global sense and the only reason we haven't yet is that it is more important to map the initial products to be qualified to the majority use case at the moment and the physical footprint of the back plate limits us to certain configurations.

Additional to that, this is the first time that it is offered in a cost effective manner that can scale to products from $129 updwards without incuring prohibitive costs - we talk about "innovation" and, sure, 3 panel gaming has been done before, but the innovation comes from having a solution that is scalable to offer solutions at no extra cost, have all the capabilities that other 2 panel solutions can (high resolutions, 10-bit display pipes, etc., etc.) and is scalable in the number of panels that can be supported.

Author:  01Boxer [ 16 Oct 2009, 00:59 ]
Post subject:  Displayport-compatible screens needed for Eyefinity?

Apple didn't invent the mp3 player either but they perfected it to a point where they dominate the market and everybody knows what an ipod is.

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