Widescreen Gaming Forum

Portrait mode over Landscape better for Eyefinity gaming ?
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Author:  Darthdingo [ 14 Oct 2009, 16:26 ]
Post subject:  Portrait mode over Landscape better for Eyefinity gaming ?

With my Eyefinity setup 3 - 24" Dell 2408WFP's...I wonder if I should try them out all in Portrait mode ? Instead of 5760x1200res that would give me 3600x1920res ? That is the exact same number of pixels, but might look better for gaming ? Still a wide screen, but get a lot of vertical height, and maybe less of that fish eye lens ?

Anyone try this out on like WoW or TF2 ? And for desktop use, does it seem better ?

Author:  rbjorn [ 14 Oct 2009, 17:48 ]
Post subject:  Portrait mode over Landscape better for Eyefinity gaming ?

Personal preference of course, but this would basically "just" give you a large, high resolution screen with large bezels. Aspect ratio would be almost the same as a regular widescreen.

At least for gaming I think what most people are after is the higher FOV, not mainly the higher resolution.

Author:  JKeefe [ 14 Oct 2009, 20:15 ]
Post subject:  Portrait mode over Landscape better for Eyefinity gaming ?

A typical widescreen monitor give you an aspect ratio of 1.6. Flip three of those into portrait mode and put them next to each other and you wind up with an aspect ratio of 1.875. This is hardly any wider than the single screen, and now you've got two bezels that are pretty close to each other.

Besides the lack of expanded FOV that this setup would give you, you'd also have to deal with non-centered HUD issues that, in general, haven't been solved for the 0.625 (1200/1920) center screen aspect ratio.

Just pontificating... five 24" monitors in portrait mode would result in 6000x1920, which is an aspect ratio of 3.125. This might be a useful setup for some who want the screen real estate but can't fit 8-9 feet of monitor length in front of the computer; the 5-portrait setup is "only" about 5.5 feet long.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 14 Oct 2009, 20:20 ]
Post subject:  Portrait mode over Landscape better for Eyefinity gaming ?

If I could do the 'money-is-no-object' justification, five screen portrait would be a definite thing to try. :D ;)

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